Susan Strong

916 57 14

It was a beautiful sunny day in Ooo. Y/n rubbed the side of her nose while Gumball brought the hero trio to an area filled with tree stumps. "And here at this site, our Great Uncle Gumbald cut down all these taffy trees in a single night." He gestured around, his voice sounding a little uneasy.

"'Cause those trees were evil... right, Prince Gumball?" Finn asked, trying to make sense as to why they were cut.

"Nah..." Gumball frowned a bit before he smiled. "Hey, but I bet they have a ton of stories about your human relatives." He tilted his head ready for Finn to speak.

The human boy blushed awhile crossing his arms awkwardly. "Um... not really. Y/n's the only human I've ever met. If I think about it too much, I get all soul-searchy and weeeeiiirrrd..." He shrunk a bit while speaking.

Gumball flushed as he realized his comment was a little insensitive for the boy. "Ohhh, boy... I've made things awkward." He muttered.

Y/n let out a small whistle while shuffling her feet. "Well, let's forget about that. I brought you guys here because Bonnie and I need you to rip out all these stumps!" He clapped his hands together with a tense smile on his face.

Finn nodded half-heartedly while in a daze. "Okay... I guess so..."

Jake smacked Finn's shoulder to get him in the mood. "Yeah, man, it'll be fun!" He then shrunk down into Finn's palm. "Toss the Jake-sploder!" Finn then threw Jake towards a stump and he easily made it move before bouncing back to Finn. "Nyeeeeh, boom!"

Finn started to get excited again as a grin spread across his face. "SPA-MOW!!"

Y/n smiled softly at him. "I'm glad to see you out of that funk... about being the only male human..." Her voice trailed off before she abruptly turned around and shook her head. "Nope- nuh-uh."

Gumball patted her shoulder as her cheeks heated up in embarrassment. "You're doing your best." His voice was sincere as he spoke.

"Again, man!" Jake yelled excitedly. Finn just chuckled in the background. Gumball gave Y/n a good smile before putting his hand down.

"We'll talk later." He then walked away leaving Y/n alone with the two boys.


Jake's cry rang through the area as he clanged against something that sounded metal. Y/n turned and slowly walked over. "Whoa... I don't think this is a stump." Jake said, rubbing his back.

Y/n raised a fist as she knocked on the side, a small metallic sound radiating off the painted side. She then pushed the leaves of a bush out of the way to reveal a hatch. "Woah, who would hide this?"

"A hatch?" Jake jumped on top and started to open the lid. "We should check it out, ya think?!"

Y/n crossed her arms while looking down at the dark bottom. "Or maybe, and this is a good idea, we tell Gumball and Bubblegum-" Jake then jumped down with an excited yell. "Or ignore, that works too." She shrugs dramatically as the boys ignore her once again.

Finn chuckles before jumping down. Y/n sat at the edge with her fingers clenching against the edges. "Please be no bugs, please Glob let me have this one time." She prayed quietly before hopping down, the lid closing behind her as she did.

As she got down, her hands found the ladder and she started to slow down. The boys underneath made it to the floor and the room was dark, but not enough to the point where they couldn't see. The room smelled disgusting with a moldy scent. It was filled with garbage and there was a sound of rushing water. Ruined buildings were across the rushing stream.

"S'dark, huh?" Finn questioned before pulling out a flashlight. He turned it on and flashed it around. Y/n finally dropped down and looked around, her lips curling in disgust as the smell hit her. Finn started to run around with Jake following, their voices echoing in the cave "Whooooooaaaaaa!"

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