Morituri Te Salutamus

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Morituri Te Salutamus: We who are about to die salute you

Deep in the wasteland, everything was calm and quiet... until Jake, who was holding onto Y/n and Finn, was thrown across the rocky hills by a Burger Monster. Jake slammed against different rocks before he landed on the ground. Finn's shirt was puffed out being filled with little spiky things.

Jake had a pouch made and also held little spiky balls. Y/n muttered small 'ow's as she had one in each hand. She then lightly put them on the ground before shaking her hands.

Finn huffed. "Jake, why didn't you stick to the plan?" He asked in an annoyed tone.

"Why was it a burger?"

"Psshh." Jake scoffed. "Hey, you wanna bump baby lumps?" He asked.

"Sick. No. Just try to follow the plans, okay?"

Jake then pouted. "Yeah." He grumbled.

The boys then dropped their spikes to the ground. They shook in fear. "Come out sweeties. It's safe now." Y/n bent down and whispered gently. The spikes then unraveled to be young hedgehogs. They made little squeaks of gratitude.

"Now get out of here." Jake shooed them off. The hedgehogs then ran away.

In the distance, echoes of cries and weapons were clashing. Finn perked his head up. "Hey, you hear something? Up there." He then pulled himself up over a rock hill while grunting. Jake followed him before Y/n rolled her eyes.

"Oh great, another day with the boys. Hey hey.... what is my life?" She mumbled sarcastically before following the two. From the top, they could see an arena of unknown sorts.

"It's a fat, fat warrior beat. It's all..." Finn paused to make some sounds. "Ksssh, ksssh. . It calls me forth." He then gestured around while making sword sounds.

Jake shrugged. "Eh, it's probably just puberty calling."

Y/n then snorted a laugh before covering her mouth. "Sorry..."

As they neared the arena, the sounds started to quiet out. Y/n pressed her lips together as they entered through the dark entrance. They stopped right outside as a glowing green aura flashed in front of the doorway. Up ahead there was a mummy-like creature on a high throne.

"Fighters! Fighters" His head twitched around as his skin and bones cracked. He then rang a stone bell with the giant sword that leaned against his throne. "Seek your glory from the Fight King?"

Finn hummed. "Mmmm... Maybe."

Y/n sized the corpse in disgust before shaking her head, "Nope." Campi wrapped around her arm both of them ready to take off.

The Fight King then chuckled dryly. "Then step forth beyond the Moonlight seal to bathe in blood and glory forever."

Finn shook his head. "Nah. This is a trap."

"Ka-psshh." Jake made a sound before flicking his wrist. They then turned around with Y/n watching them. "We snuffed out that trap like champs! Trying to get us up in that cursed arena."

Y/n chuckled with a nod, "See I knew you two would be smart, " she raised her hand for reciprocated high-fives.

As they left the arena, Finn started to converse with Jake. "Then I'd bet the exits would all magically seal behind us."

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