Memory of a Memory

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"Faster! Faster! She's in danger!" A voice yelled. Jake was running as fast as he could with Finn and a weird man on his back.

"Who is he talking about?" He whispered to Finn

Finn just shrugged. "I have no idea."

Jake let out a small gasp. "What?! Then why am I running so hard?"

"Because..." Finn hummed, not knowing why they were hurrying.

"Because they're in trouble!" The man yelled, leaning in.

"Who is?!" Both boys yelled.

The man paused while coughing. "Marceline and Y/n!"

Finn's eyes widened upon hearing his words. "Faster, Jake!" He commanded.

Jake panted, but he picked up the speed. "Our girls are in trouble!" He was now galloping before jumping into the water to run to the entrance of the cave. "Hey, wizard, how do you know Marceline?" He asked. "Or Y/n."

"I'm Marceline's spirit animal." He hummed.

Jake made a small face, not knowing how to feel. "Oh."

As the three barged into Marceline's home, they gasped at the sight. Marceline was lying on the ground, face down, while Y/n was slouched against the couch. Near her head was Campi in the form of a fox. They whimpered and made small clicking sounds at their sleeping friend.

Near her right hand was her spear. Its normal glow was faint, almost like it was fading. It twitched and let out a few sparks before it just started to glow at a decaying pace.

"Marceline!" Finn gasped. He then walked over to Y/n and tried to shake her shoulder. "What's wrong with them?" He asked. Campi stared at Finn, their eyes filled with sadness.

"Marceline accidentally cast a sleep spell, and now she, along with Y/n, are trapped in eternal slumber." The rag wizard spoke, his tone sad and sincere.

Finn stood and patted Campi's head in reassurance. "Tell us how to break the spell." He ordered quietly.

The wizard stared at Marceline "I'll transport you into Marceline's mind where you will walk through her memories and find the memory core."

"What about Y/n?" Jake asked.

"You must do it one at a time. Without each other, you could get lost and never return." The wizard's pupils widened as he spoke.

"Once you enter Marceline's mind, find the memory of her casting the sleep spell on herself. At your touch, you and the memory will be transported back to reality."

Jake crossed his arms worriedly. "But, like, if you know all this, why not just do it yourself?" He questioned him.

"Entering a person's mind can be dangerous, and I don't have any arms. Just legs." Without warning, the wizard started to stretch his leg towards Finn's head. "Yeah, there we go... oh." He tapped a toe against Finn's head.

Finn rubbed the spot at a small spec of light shined on his head. Then, it disappeared. "What? What'd you do to my forehead?" He asked while grimacing. It was just pure disgusting.

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