Crystals Have Powers

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Inside of Treehouse kitchen, both Y/n and Finn sat at the kitchen table reading through different books. Y/n seemed a little down while she flipped through the pages. Finn hummed while searching through a holobook, glancing at the hologram and a giant crystal he held up.

Jake walked through the door and saw the difference between the two. "Yo, what's going on?" He asked.

"I found this crystal on our doorstep, it's pretty mysterious, I'm trying to find information about it using the holobook." Finn responded while switching to another page.

Y/n sighed sadly while looking at the crystal and looking back at the book. "Same thing..."

Jake took notice of her solemn expression. "What's wrong Mama?"

"I just... miss Tree Trunks... a lot." Her head leaned against the table while she held the book up against it.

Jake just nodded before rubbing a hand against her back. "I know, but she'd want you to be having fun and not mope." He attempted to console her.

Finn also sighed when he couldn't find the exact crystal in the holobook. He shut it off before looking at the crystal all around.

"Hey, do you know what's really cool? Tough Guy contest!" Jake tried to hype Finn up while flexing his biceps and arms. He did a little spin before posing. "Tough Boys!" Y/n cracked a small smile while Finn kept his focus on the crystal.

"Wait, doesn't this look like Tree Trunks' lipstick?" Finn had tilted the crystal over to reveal a kiss mark left on one of the longer crystals. Y/n looked at the mark and she started to tear up thinking about the poor woman and when she had exploded basically in her care.

Jake also visualized her eating the apple and exploding. "That's impossible, Tree Trunks exploded in the scary dark forest after she ate that Crystal Gem Apple, remember?"

"Yeah, I remember. Y/n's been takin' it hard after going back to care for the apple trees." He sighed solemnly while putting the crystal down.

Y/n wiped her tears and glared down. "I'm... I'm not..." She paused before sighing and sinking into the cushioned seat. "Yeah, I am taking it hard."

"Come on man! Tough Guy contest me!" Jake flexed again while making Finn jump up and join him. "You got what it takes to rip-it?!" His voice was deep while he continued to show off his muscles.

Finn chuckled at his voice. "Uh, yeah!"

"Pfft don't let gender norms fool ya, this lady for mus-kulee, " Y/n lifted up her shirt to show her abdomen with drawn abs lines. The three laugh after the sight and Y/n puts her shirt down, "They're a reminder of what could be when all of my awesomeness pays out."

"Then let's get it on!" Jake yelled out while flexing again.

The contest began with Finn breaking a thicker stick over his knee. "Yeah-yo!" He called out.

Jake, who was holding a chaise longue, broke it over his knee too. "Hee-yah!"

Y/n uses her knee to snap an old damaged table in half, "Yeah-yuh!" She instantly began bleeding from all the splinters.

" Do it, Finn, do it!" Round two started with Jake holding out his arm to Finn. His brother pinched Jake's arm harshly which made Jake tear up. He glared while sucking the tear right back into his eye. He pulled back his arm, rubbing it gently. Now it was Jake's turn.

His arms stretched over and started to twist Finn's nipples harshly. Finn tried to shriek, but he kept it in by biting his lip. A single tear dropped down his face and landed on the ground. "Noooooo!" He yelled in defeat.

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