Preview: Winner's Circle

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While my co-writer for "Buying Happiness" goes on another hiatus and I keep losing inspiration for "Indecisive", I've been currently working on a new story. It's called Winner's Circle and it's my first book that's not an urban novel.

I've been hesitant about releasing it, but lately, as I get more inspiration for it I've been considering putting it up here.

So I figured I'd release a little snippet and see if anybody is interested



An hour later Jaxon was in the office building. He marched through with sunglasses on, captivating most of Ajoon's subordinates. He had an idea of why he was being summoned to his office like this, but he cared little. In his eyes, the man lost his claim to Nova the day they divorced.

Jaxon stepped into his office, his expression warm. "Old friend, it's been some time."

He took a seat in front of his desk, crossing his legs as his hands smoothed over his designer pants.

Ajoon's jaw tightened visibly at Jaxon's casual greeting, the muscles in his neck standing out in stark relief as he fought to contain the simmering rage that threatened to overwhelm him. His eyes narrowed to smoldering slits as he regarded his former friend, every fiber of his being practically vibrating with restrained fury.

"'Old friend'?" he spat, the words dripping with naked contempt. "You've got a lot of nerve showing your face here, Jaxon. Did you really think I wouldn't catch wind of your...little musical tribute?"

Stepping out from behind his desk, Ajoon advanced on Jaxon, his movements predatory and controlled. "You made a grave mistake in thinking you could lay claim to what is rightfully mine." His voice dropped to a menacing growl. "Tell me, does your new song carry the same sweet scent of betrayal as your last pathetic attempt to win her over?"

Pulling off his sunglasses, Jaxon sighed at the pointed comments Ajoon made.

"Why do you insist on claiming things that don't belong to you? First in college when the two of you hadn't even officially begun dating then now? After you've been happily remarried for three years? Are you really so petty to covet your discarded trash just to prevent someone else from treasuring her?"

Ajoon's eyes narrowed dangerously at Jaxon's bold words, his lips curling back in a feral snarl. How dare this upstart think he could speak so dismissively of what was rightfully his.

"You foolish, arrogant boy," he growled, taking another menacing step forward. "Nova was never 'discarded trash' - she was, and will always be, mine. You may have given up once before, but I'll be damned if I let you try to take her from me again."

His hand shot out, grasping the front of Jaxon's shirt in a vice-like grip. "You think just because I remarried that my claim on her has been relinquished? She will always be mine, do you understand? No other man will be permitted to touch her, to defile her, least of all you."

Ajoon's eyes burned with naked possessiveness, his voice dropping to a feral whisper. "I suggest you tread carefully, Jaxon. This is your one and only warning."

Jaxon remained calm throughout Ajoon's entire display of anger and dominance. He knew his friend well and had experience with his wrath.

"Listen... I don't want to offend you, Ajoon. You are my oldest friend. But you have to be honest with yourself. Nova as she is now, This new version of her, will not stay alone forever as your property."

Ajoon's face fell as the man spoke. There was a hint of annoyance as his words took root.

"If not me, someone else will come along and carry her off into the sunset despite your efforts. She's not that meek little sickly mouse anymore.. she's a rare gem. This isn't a woman that has to wait around for affection anymore," He explained, being honest to his friend who had been raised in an entitled bubble.

𝐀 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐫 ||  Completed Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin