Don't be afraid of your dreams, because they will definitely become reality

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I woke up to raindrops falling on my face. I had a terrible headache, I grabbed the back of my head and came across something thick and hot. It was blood. Obviously, I hit a rock hard when I was falling.

The left side of my chest hurt a lot. I sat down and took off the badge that Della had pinned to my pocket in that house. There was a bullet sticking out of it. It saved my life... I survived because of her. Again.

It was still dark outside, but it was already possible to understand that there was nothing and no one around. I couldn't believe it. This just couldn't happen to me. My eyes involuntarily peered into the distance, hoping to see Della. But the helicopter had already left a long time ago, and some people took her away... And it's all because of me. Because I decided to teach her a lesson. If I hadn't been such a shitty person and followed her out of the car, this wouldn't have happened. I had to calm her down. I should have been more attentive to her. And I was thinking only of myself, leaving her alone on this road.

Of course, I wasn't going to be gone for long. I just decided to scare her. And I rushed back, horrified to realize how terrible I had done. And here is a picture in front of my eyes: a helicopter, some people in a strange shape, they are taking her away towards the helicopter... I shot, I tried to hit, but it was too dark and far away. I screwed up. It's all my fault.

Just thinking about it made me feel sick. I leaned back on the ground. The nausea was getting worse. In the end, I had to get up again to avoid choking on my own vomit. Although it would be very useful now...

I didn't believe what had happened and didn't know what to do next. Where can I find her now? Who are these people? What the hell is this helicopter?! I didn't understand a damn thing.

I remember only one detail well: in the light of the lanterns, a strange sign on the helicopter was clearly visible. Three intertwined rings. And I also remember that they were very well armed. You bet! They had a whole helicopter, damn them! I threw up again.

I would like to commit suicide right here and now. It was unbearable for me to realize that Della was no longer with me. My worst nightmare came true—she was taken from me, and there was nothing I could do. They could have killed her already, because they shot at me, I survived only by a ridiculous accident. On the other hand, why drag her to the helicopter if they wanted to kill her? No, she's smart. She probably told them she was a doctor. These days, such people are appreciated. They won't touch her... Although, who knows what kind of people they are. Anyway, she's very scared right now. She is all alone among strangers. Who knows what's in their head. This world is full of violence... Damn it, I'm going to kill them! I'll find them and kill them one at a time. My girl. My defenseless baby is now unclear where and with whom. And all this is because of my stupid act! God, why is she responsible for my mistakes?!

I just realized that I was crying. The raindrops mixed with the tears on my cheeks. I didn't know what to do. Suddenly I screamed at myself. It was just a scream into the void. I didn't know if I was screaming out of desperation or anger. And I didn't care.

The dead began to gather at the sound. Perhaps it was only the realization that no one would find Della if I died now that made me stand up. I got up and took out a knife. There were already a dozen walkers there. That's good, I really wanted to kill them.

I imagined every one of those helicopter bastards being killed instead of zombies. A blow to the head, another blow, another, another, and another. But there was no relief. When the last of the zombies fell to the ground, I knelt down next to him. After looking around, I began to think about what to do and where to start looking.

"I need to get back to the ranch," I said aloud to myself, "I'll tell everyone that some people have kidnapped Dela, and I'll assemble a squad to search for her."

Dead love in my hands  (Troy Otto story/ Fear the walking dead/ ftwd)Where stories live. Discover now