Vows and Promises Kept

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Sanem and Yusef worked tirelessly to get the operations going enough for her to be able to spend a month away on her honeymoon. He and Sanem were saddened that it meant he couldn't attend but Bulut promised to do a video call with him for the important moments.

Her new freesia scent was starting to sell in ways that broke their initial predictions. They were just about to open their storefront but decided to wait until Sanem returned from her honeymoon.

There were several conversations with Nehat's oncologist who whole-heartedly gave his blessing for him to travel with the family to the islands since it would only be for a few days.

Can got an extension on his new book so they could enjoy the long break.

The plan was for their friends and family to San Cristobal Island for 4 days with the wedding being on the 3rd day. That gave everyone 2 days to rest or explore before the wedding and a day for Nehat to rest before going home. Can had told Sanem to let him make all the arrangements and he had a surprise for her that he told no one so he could actually pull it off. Can and Sanem were going to be there for a month so they would make the most of the time they had with their friends and family.

Sanem and her parents talked for a long time about Vera being there and they all decided with Can's input that they would have the ceremony recorded for them to send to her after Mevkibe returned. Sanem wasn't ready for more than that yet.

Sanem, we're so excited about this trip! Leyla said as they ate lunch together about a week before the trip was planned for.

I am too, Leyla! It's been a dream of mine for so long, I don't know how to feel. And I love that you and Emre get a little bit of a longer honeymoon. How has...everything been? Sanem answered as she wiggled her eyebrows.

Well, it's been wonderful. Moving into my apartment was better for us since I had a bigger place but I think once we are getting more settled at work, we may look for a place that we both get to pick. He had great taste in furniture so we kept some of his pieces but it would be nice to choose some things we both had a hand in, Leyla said as she ate her salad.

So, we haven't had a lot of time to talk. How has everything been? she asked again, a giggle leaving her mouth as Leyla's eyes got big.

Sanem! she answered, visibly flustered as she looked away.

Disappointed, Sanem said, Well, I just want to prepare myself. I mean, I obviously know how it all...works. But I'm not afraid to say I'm a bit anxious about our first time.

Nodding her head, Leyla said, Listen, I was to but you two will just figure it out..together. It's as natural as breathing and when you're in love like you and Can and Emre and I are, it's, well..magical.

Sanem smiled and answered, Thanks, Leyla. I think I knew that. I just wanted to make sure I knew how to make it, you know, good for Can. I don't know what I'm doing!

Chuckling, Leyla replied, Sanem, I promise you that you will know what to do. Besides, I see the way Can looks at you. You have nothing to worry about!

They talked and laughed for awhile longer until it was time for them both to get back to work.

Sanem was putting the final touches on some more of the formulas that would go to the manufacturing company before they left.

The next few days was a flurry of excitement. Sanem loved knowing that neither of their moms would be able to take over the catering part of the wedding since they were not at home. She and Can really wanted them all to use this time as a vacation before going back to the grind of starting a new business, even though things were going incredibly well.

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