Albatross Wings and Departures

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When Can went to see his parents the next evening, Aziz had not gotten home yet so he told his mom the good news about Nehat.

Oh, Can, that is wonderful to hear! I'll give Sanem a call. Or maybe I'll just call Mevkibe, Merhaban said happily. 

Or we could just bring them dinner this week. All of us together like the other day, she said as she went back to cooking.

Anne, Sanem and I aren't together anymore. She, she ended it the other night, he said sadly, the words making his heart ache with pain.

Merhaba dropped the spoon she was stirring with and wheeled around.

What? Can, what are you talking about? We were all just together. You two couldn't stop staring at one another. Truthfully, I've never seen two people more in love. Are you telling a joke because it's not really funny, she said nervously.

Looking up at his mother, she could see the tears threatening to fall.

Can, can't be serious? Canim, what happened? she asked as she turned off the burner and sat next to him, holding his hand.

He wiped his eyes with the back of his hands and shook his head.

She, she said she thought she was in love but she wasn't, he answered, his lip trembling.

Son, there is nothing in this world that could make me believe that. She's probably just overwhelmed with what's happening to her father. Give her some time. You'll see. She will come back to you saying she's made a mistake, she answered, trying to understand.

No, anne. She was serious when she said it. She doesn't want me. Please, please don't say anything to Mevkibe. That's between Sanem and her family. I'm fine. Or I will be time, he said, hanging his head and trying to compose himself.

Just then Aziz walked in but seeing the somber faces of his family, he said, Can? Everything ok? Have you gotten more news about Nehat?

Hi, baba. Actually, good news. An anonymous donor has given the funds needed for the drug trial, he said as he looked at his father.

Then what's wrong, son? he asked as he sat down next to Can.

Can couldn't say the words again. Every time he did it was like a knife was cutting him in two.

Merhaba saw his anguish and answered quietly, Sanem...she broke things off. But I was just telling him that I'm sure she will come back soon and apologize. We all know she loves Can.

Aziz couldn't hide his shock as his eyes grew large and his expression turned to one of disbelief.

Can, she's just overwhelmed right now. Anne is right. Give her some time, he offered as he put his hand on Can's shoulder.

Shaking his head and finding his voice again, Can answered, No, baba. She said she didn't love me. She thought she did but she was mistaken. I, I know something is not right and I tried to see it the way you both are. That she would come back and ask forgiveness. Trust me to share what is really going on. 

He stopped to compose himself again.

But I can't. I can't get those words she said out of my mind. She broke me, baba. I feel like she's left me a shell of a man. I don't know what will happen in the future but for now, I just can't, Can said, as he wiped more tears, knowing that the news he was about to share would hurt them.

Taking a deep breath in, he continued as he tried to find the words he needed, Also...I resigned from the publishing house yesterday. I can't stay there anymore.

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