Discovery and Reinvention

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Can is in Italy, Merhaben answers quietly.

Mevkibe sits down, stunned to know that Can has given up on her daughter and left not only Istanbul but Turkey.

I see that look, my friend. And let me just say this. I love your family and I love Sanem but you didn't hold your grown son in your arms as he cried about losing the love of his life, Merhaba said, the tears stinging her face.

Mevkibe softened and held her friend's hand.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry that Can was so hurt. I can only imagine what he's feeling. But I can tell you that I know my daughter better than she knows herself. She tried to hold it in when all of this happened but I saw the pain in her eyes. She was hurting for her father but even after we found out that someone was going to fund the drug trial, she was still the same. She was broken and we didn't know what to do to help her, Mevkibe said as Nehat nodded his agreement.

Yes, Sanem is holding a great weight on her shoulders and I don't know how to fix this for her. There's something or someone else involved in this break up. I'm sure of it, Nehat said as closed his eyes.

So what do we do now? Aziz asked as he looked from one to the other. We can't just sit around and let our children be separated like this.

No, we won't but it will have to be in the background. When we speak to them, we should be subtle about mentioning their names, Mevkibe said as she looked around the room.

Well, Can made us promise not to tell you or Sanem about him leaving but I can't do it. I can't watch him be this unhappy. So it will have to be very subtle, Merhaba answered as she lowered her voice.

They all began plotting and whispering as if they were in a covert operation for an intelligence agency. They also agreed not to say anything to Sanem about where exactly Can was because they both needed to work towards their dreams and goals but with a little help from them, their parents, to keep them from giving up on each other. This wasn't going to be easy and neither of them believed that they could stay away from each other much longer anyway.

When Nehat started to yawn, they all said their goodbyes so he could get some rest.


Can arrived at the Venice Marco Polo airport and saw his friend Antonio waving wildly in the crowd.

Can! Ciao! Antonio yelled as he hugged his friend. I can't tell you how excited I am to see you and have you here with me finally!

Tony, you're a sight for sore eyes, my friend, Can said as he embraced his friend.

Here, let me give you a hand with those suitcases. Looks like you're here for awhile then, like we talked about, Tony said as they headed for the car park.

Nodding his head, Yes, I think I will be. Or at least long enough to know what my next move is. Thank you so much for putting me up for a few weeks til I get a plan in place, Can said as they walked.

You can stay with me as long as you like, Can. My roommate moved out recently so it is perfect timing. We have so much to catch up on but for now, we need to get you settled at my apartment then fed, Tony answered with a smile.

Now that's what I'm most excited about! Feed me! Can answered as his friend had a mock insulted face.

And I thought you came to spend time with me! Tony joked as they fell into easy conversation.

An hour later, they were headed out to a nearby cafe, Tony talking incessantly about the food and culture and beautiful women of Italy.

Oh, Can you're going to be a very lucky guy while you're here, Tony said with his eyebrows wiggling up and down and a smirk on his face.

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