Baby Sitting and Fiery Encounters

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Can had spoken to Merihban about staying in the hut that he had found. It reminded him of his backyard at his place and it would give him more privacy to write.

She wasn't sure if it was inhabitable but told him she didn't think the owner would mind.

Armed with a tool kit that Bulut lent him, Can set out to make the place usable for him for the next few weeks. He gave up trying to convince his parents that he shouldn't be there but secretly he wanted to stay near Sanem.

He was always embarrassed when she caught him looking at her when she talking with her family but chuckled when he found her checking him out when he was hammering away on the hut.

It felt good to get back out into nature and do things with his hands. His life had changed so much since the success of his novel. He had a team of people that did things for him that he was accustomed to doing for himself and this break seemed like a return to the Can he always felt comfortable being.

He knew that he and Sanem needed to talk. They had spent a year apart and there was so much to say. That conversation about their mutual love of albatrosses was the first light at the end of a long dark tunnel, he thought.

Can was thrilled that Julian was indeed not in the picture, something that he deep down always knew. As angry and hurt as he was with Sanem and what she did, he knew that she was not someone who could play with his feelings just to make another man jealous, something he had feared after the break up.

She was pure and true, things that he loved about her. And she was fiercely loyal to her family, which they had in common.

He took a break from the carpentry work he was doing when he saw her walking up to him with something in her hands.

Putting the hammer down, he moved his long hair out of his face as he walked up to her, meeting her before she got to the hut.

How's the renovation going? she asked with a shy smile.

It's almost done, he answered, his eyes searching hers.

She held his gaze for a few more moments when she seemed to remember why she was there.

Oh, sorry, I thought you might like some lemonade. I made it myself, she said as she offered him the big insulated glass that she held.

Can broke out in a big smile and said, Thank you, Sanem. That was very kind of you. I love lemonade.

Chuckling nervously, she felt when his warm long fingers seemed to wrap around hers when he took the glass from her. He held it there for a moment.

Was she dreaming or did she feel his thumb rub gently up and down across her skin? Either way, she shuddered from the feel of his touch as goosebumps covered her from head to toe.

Taking the glass from her, breaking their physical connection, Can tipped it back against his gorgeous full lips and gulped it down all in one go. A trail of it dribbled down from the side of his mouth and as Sanem followed it down his chin and into his shirt, she shivered and whispered,

He pulled the glass from his mouth and wiped it with his large forearm and stared at her as he said, That was delicious, Sanem. Thanks again.

Her mouth opened and closed but no sound came out except for a whimper as she turned and power walked away.

Can chuckled lightly as he put the glass down and went back to work.


At lunch that afternoon, Bulut and Deniz were talking about the lovely community that surrounded the farm. It was small but they all lived and worked as one big family, always coming together when one needed help. They mentioned a dance that was coming up on the weekend to raise money for one of the single moms.

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