Debts Settled and Misunderstandings

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Present Day:

Deren sat in the Aydin living room drinking coffee and catching up.

Nehat, I'm so happy to see you looking so well! Oh my, have I missed you in the office. And the good report from the doctor has answered all my prayers, she said, as she smiled at Nehat and Mevkibe.

Thank you, Deren. You have been a wonderful friend through all of this. I don't know what we would have done without you, Nehat said as he tapped her shoulder.

Well, it will be a pleasure to have you back when you feel up to it, she said as she sipped on her coffee.

Looking at each other, Mevkibe and Nehat shifted in their seat.

Noticing their tension, Deren put down her cup in the saucer and looked at Nehat.

You, you are coming back at some point, right? she asked. She didn't know how much longer she could take dealing with Baris on her own. Her distrust of him had grown by the day. 

That's, uh, what we wanted to have you over to talk about, actually, Nehat answered sheepishly.

Deren, we have some news for you that we wanted to share, Mevkibe said with a nervous smile.

I'm leaving the publishing company and starting my own. With Can's father, Aziz, Nehat announced, watching for her reaction.

Deren gasped and held her hand to her mouth in surprise.

Nehat! That is...that is..she gasped, not able to finish.

I know, I know! This is not good news but I wanted you to know before I talked to Baris, Nehat said quickly.

No! That is GREAT news! When do we start? she said confidently.

What? Do, do you mean you want to go with me? Nehat asked, shocked by her response.

Do I? Yes, yes and yes! And I can tell you that I won't be the only one. Nehat, we have always known that it was your hard work and dedication that landed us the best authors over the years. We also all know that it was your kind and generous spirit that kept all of those wonderful authors. There is no Fikri Harika without you. And without you, there is no me at Fikri Harika, she announced proudly.

Deren! Are you sure? It would mean starting over for us all. I have no idea what the future holds for any of us, he warned her, hoping to not get her hopes up too high as much as he would like to have her with him.

Nehat, I can almost guarantee that the majority of our staff is only there because of you. They will follow you wherever you go. And I know there is a non compete clause in both of our contracts with Fikri Harika but once our authors have fulfilled their obligations with them, I feel certain they will come with us as well. If not, we can get new authors and build from the ground up. I'm in. I'm all the way in! she said, as they laughed and talked for hours about their next step.


Two weeks later, Baris walked into the office and noticed that only a few employees were present. Looking around, he didn't see Deren or even Cey Cey.

His head was still spinning with the news of Can Divit's upcoming book. He was tired of answering questions from his industry friends about why Fikri Harika hadn't published the newly coveted writer.

Pushing his growing frustration aside, Baris went to the snack bar only to discover that no coffee had been made.

Where is everyone? he roared, looking around, his frustration growing by the minute.

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