Chapter Thirty-Six: Cierien

Start from the beginning

I glance over at Wrath, noticing his gaze fixed on Sophie's form. Though he'd never admit it aloud, it's clear that he's grown to care about her. She's become a part of our makeshift family- a bond forged in the face of adversity.

Her breathing is slow and ragged, a testament to the unknown substance coursing through her veins. We're left in the dark about what she was injected with, but it's evident that whatever it is, it was strong enough to render her unconscious. In hindsight, Sophie is lucky to have made it back here alive, considering the dangerous circumstances she faced.

Idalia was initially hesitant to let Sophie in when she first arrived, knowing full well that WWA would follow her back. However, even if she could have thrown Sophie out without involving us, it wouldn't have made a difference. WWA was already hot on her tail. They found us so quickly that we never even stood a chance.

I squeeze Wrath's hand thrice- I love you. Bringing the back of his hand to my lips, I kiss it gently. He returns the squeezes without hesitation because we both know what's to come.

We're not getting out of this.

We may very well end up back in those cells, and maybe that's what we deserve. Perhaps, deep down, we never truly deserved to leave them in the first place. Despite the uncertainty of our future, I'll always be grateful for the fleeting taste of freedom we had. I could never thank the universe enough for the beautiful woman I had the privilege of loving. And I'm certain Wrath would agree. In the end, it's the memories of those precious moments that we'll hold onto, no matter what lies ahead.

So, for now, we'll sit here. We'll wait, holding each other close, until we can't anymore. I just hope they don't separate us. As long as we're together, I'll be okay. I need Wrath by my side. I'll endure whatever awaits as long as he can be there with me. Without him, I'd simply beg for death.

Idalia's footsteps snap me out of my reverie. She saunters in, gesturing to Wrath with a wave of her hand. "It's your turn to keep watch," she whispers, her tone stripped of its usual energy.

I think she knows it too- that we're not getting out of this- but she simply refuses to acknowledge it. I believe she'll cling to that pride until the bitter end, even if it means facing the sharp edge of a scalpel.

Idalia Wellington, the woman who survived it all, will finally lose the game.

The thought fills me with a profound sadness, despite everything she put me through. I find it in myself to forgive her. Looking at her now, I see her for who she truly is- a broken woman who's never once had a chance at peace. Her entire life has been consumed by the quest to find her brother, and while she may eventually locate him, it certainly won't be in the way she had hoped for. It's a heartbreaking realization that makes me want to cry for her. Yet, I know all too well that if I were to shed tears, she'd surely smack me across the head.

Wrath barely spares her a glance, reluctant to rise to his feet because deep down, he knows there's no point. He should be in here with me and Sophie, not wasting his time on futile tasks. It's becoming increasingly clear that this will end the way it was always meant to- with us back in cells. It's especially heartbreaking, knowing that the people we care about are now caught in the crossfire- Idalia, Sophie, and my little bird.

"Come on, I've been at it for hours, it's your t-"

A slow, ominous knock on the door cuts her sentence short. In an instant, the room falls silent, every one of us frozen in place, except for Sophie, who remains nearly lifeless on the bed. I catch a glimpse of Idalia flinching at the second knock, a flicker of fear crossing her face. It's as if time has come to a standstill, each of us paralyzed by the looming uncertainty beyond that door, knowing all too well that it could lead to our inevitable confinement once again.

Despite her evident fear, Idalia steels her spine, raising her chin with a determined resolve as she addresses us. "Well, let's not be rude. We have a visitor," she says, her voice steady despite the tension in the air, accompanied by a forced smile that barely conceals her apprehension.

I notice the subtle twitch of her eye, the tremble of her lip- signs of the fear she's desperately trying to conceal. For someone who's spent her whole life avoiding risks, she's certainly made a plethora of them in the past two weeks alone. And I can't help but feel that this encounter will be the greatest risk of all.

Wrath and I exchange a knowing glance before we both rise to our feet. We watch in silence as Idalia saunters out of the room, her narrowed eyes signaling for us to follow. Without a word, we fall into step behind her, bracing ourselves for whatever awaits us beyond that door.

"Do you think she'll be there?" I ask, pausing to look at him, my grip on his hand tight as if afraid he'll slip away from me.

We haven't verbalized what we both know to be true. There's been no need. We simply understand. I don't have to spell it out; he knows exactly what I'm asking- whether Avalyn will be there when we wake up in those cells.

Tears pool in his eyes, a melancholy smile tugging at his lips. "I don't believe we'll ever see her again, Cier," he murmurs softly, his voice tinged with sorrow and unwavering conviction.

I nod, pulling him close until our chests meet. Our arms intertwine, holding onto each other tightly, aware that this could be the last time we do so. "I love you," I whisper, my voice barely audible. "You're my best friend."

"I love you. You're my family," he declares, his hand finding the back of my head, drawing me in even closer. "Promise me you'll keep fighting, okay?"

He understands me better than anyone. He knows I couldn't bear to live if we were to be separated. He wants me to promise him that I'll keep going, no matter what. But I can't, and I won't. "I don't know how to live without you," I confess, my voice choked with emotion.

"You'll never have to," he assures me, his voice filled with quiet determination. "We'll always be under the same sky, no matter where we are."

My tears stain his shirt as I silently cry into his neck. After a moment, I spare Sophie one last glance before pulling back slightly. But Wrath doesn't let me go too far; his hands gently pull my face back until our lips meet in a brief but tender kiss. In that fleeting connection, I feel everything he feels, and for a moment, all the uncertainties and fears fade away.

Idalia's voice booms through the hotel, breaking the kiss and prompting us to quickly make our way toward the front, still hand in hand. As she gives us an annoyed look and swings open the door, I squeeze Wrath's hand tightly, bracing myself for the imminent danger. But to my surprise, there's nothing there- no assailants, no darts flying toward us. Even Idalia seems taken aback, her head peeking out as she scans the area in confusion and relief.

"No one," she murmurs, her tone a mix of bewilderment and relief.

As Idalia goes to take a step forward, something stops her in her tracks. I hear the soft thud of her foot hitting something, and I glance down to see a cardboard box at her feet. It's unmarked, with the top shut but not taped down, causing the sides to stand a bit on their own.

I'm unsure how someone managed to place it before the door in such a short amount of time. Idalia was watching at the window; they obviously acted as soon as she left to get Wrath. It's clear they must know we've been on guard, and their stealthy maneuver only adds to the growing sense of unease in the air.

Idalia squats down, her eyes scanning over the hallway once more before her hands reach for the box. With deliberate care, she opens it, a confused hum escaping her lips as she peers at its contents.

"What is it?" I ask, anticipation eating away at me.

I feel Wrath tug me back slightly, almost as if he's attempting to shield me from whatever it may be. Keeping my eyes locked on her hands as they reach into the box, I wait anxiously for her response.

"Oh..." she breathes out, her tone laden with surprise and intrigue, leaving me on edge as I await further explanation.

I notice the tremble in her body as her hands rise, and although my mind initially tries to shield me from the horror, I can't escape the unsettling truth. I can barely process what I'm seeing- a severed head.

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