Chapter 71: Blackmail

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I peeked through the blanket and saw him again. I gazed at his facial features for a while.

Then I was distracted by something light on his side, and my eyes were attracted to it. 

His phone was there. Nara was calling. He said it in silence. It was whether he already dealt with her or if he just didn't want to do it today. 

My instinct strongly said he was still too lazy to do it because if he did, he would already confront me by now. It was very serious, to be honest.

I sighed and pinched my eyes closed in frustration. Why couldn't I turn back time? 


            I felt fingers tiptoeing up along my arm and then caressing my face. 

Those woke me up. I opened my eyes and sleepily blinked.

"Morning, sweetheart"

I murmured, still half awake. 


My eyes widened, and I was fully awakened straight away when I realized it had been Taehyung's voice speaking to me.

Instantly, I got up sitting, scooting myself to lean my back against the headboard.

I saw a smile flicker on his lips.

And I could guess what he was thinking. "It's not what you're thinking," I said right away, with serious eyes gazing at him. 

That smile still remained on his lips.

"Yo- your house; a ghost is living in your house," I said.

As soon as I said that, he wheezed and laughed.

I frowned. He bothered me because he laughed way too much. It was as if I was lying. "I'm telling you the truth."

His laughter slowly died, and he looked at me with a smile. "Whatever makes your heart at ease, babe," he said. 

"What? I'm telling you the truth! You know, I went to your store room, and suddenly, one of the boxes fell down. I swear to God, I didn't do anything. Then, when I was in your corridor, I felt like something had passed behind me. I got scared. That's why I came to sleep here. It didn't mean more than that. "I swear, Taehyung," I explained to him seriously. 

But he still maintained the sly smile on his face. 

He patted my head. "Okay, hun, I believe you. "Is your heart at ease now?" he asked.

My face twitched because he obviously didn't believe me and seemed to be toying with me. "How could I?? You don't believe me. You yourself said you rarely stay here. Your house could be haunted, Taehyung."

"But Jihoon always sleeps alone. "He's fine and never talks about something like that," he said, leaving me with nothing to say.

Because he didn't believe me.

He noticed how stressed I looked. "Babe, okay. I won't tease you anymore. Maybe you're tired and hallucinating."

I nodded at him. "Yeah, it could be that I was hallucinating. I was hallucinating because I was tired."

"Um." He suddenly leaned forward, and I quickly put my palms against his chest because he was too close.

I felt him about to lean more, so I turned my head to the side, pinching my eyes closed.

I felt his lips on my cheek for a second, then he pulled them off. 

I opened my eyes again and looked at him. 

Obsession [Taehyung FF]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum