Chapter 33

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New chapter here!!!

Mei is doing her work but her mind is somewhere else, she couldn't help but worry about Haru being alone in her apartment but she could not request for an early leave nor request for a day off today since there have been an important meeting regarding the work that she had done last night.
And she have to stay focus so she can do her task more serious. So Mei took a few seconds to close her eyes and took a deep breath.
She pray that Haru is doing fine and her doing fine with her work for today, she also hope that everything would be okay. She then open her eyes and started to focus with her work.

Hours later, it is almost time to return home but Mei is still on her desk and trying to finish up her work.
She is so focus on her work that she didn't realizer that it was almost 7:00pm.
She only stop when she heard her mobile phone rings.
And when she look at the screen.
It shock her because she had forgetten about Haru being alone at her apartment, she quickly answer and the first thing she could hear is the child's soft cry. She didn't wait for Haru to talk..
"Little one, I'm so sorry...don't cry, I would be home in just a few moment. Can you wait for me?"
She wait for Haru to answer her and she did when she heard Haru say "Okay"
After she ended the call, Mei quickly clear up her desk and then rush to exit the company.

Haru had been waiting for Mei for hours, he did exactly how Mei had taught him how to heat the frozen food using the microwave.
The rest of the day, Haru just seat at the sofa while the television is on but his eyes kept on looking at the lock that was hang just at the wall in front of him.
He didn't know what time it is but he felt like the day goes by slowly because his been waiting for Mei to return home.
And when the sunset already pass, the sky slowly turn to dark and he felt afraid.

He didn't know which switch to turn on the light at the living room but he try.
He look around and saw that there are a few switch he saw at the end of the wall at the hallway.
Haru stood up and walk towards there and try to reach it but the switch is a bit higher and he couldn't turn on the light.
So he goes to the kitchen table and drag a chair towards where the switch is.
Haru is able to turn on the light at the living room and he feels a bit happy because he could do small things like these.
After that, he then return the chair back at the kitchen.

He then seat back on the sofa at the living room, waiting for Mei but as time goes by. He felt anxious, looking at the windows.
Haru could see that the sky already darken yet she hasn't return home. Haru took the remote and turn off the televison.
Then he became motionless and silent.
Haru stare hard at the floor for awhile, but then he felt his tears come out but he didn't wipe it.
He cry and it became louder but then he try to stop his cry. Haru did stop his own cry but he couldn't help but have the hiccup.

He then remember about the mobile phone that Mei had given to him, and so he call Mei.
Waiting fot the other line to pick up, in just a few second he heard Mei's voice.
Haru didn't know why but he then cry again, Mei kept apologising and letting him know that she will be home in a few moment.
He didn't say anything but he didn't realise that he nodded his head, Haru wipe his tears and decide to wait her infront of the entrance door.
Once his there, he then seat at the floor and keep on looking at the door. Hoping the door would be open soon.

On her way back home, Mei felt guilty for not being able to keep her promise to Haru.
She sigh deeply, being so focus on her work has it's own pros and cons but maybe it's because it has been so long that she live alone.
It became her daily routine to work until late because there is no one waiting for her at home.
But now, things are different because there is someone waiting for her at home.
She arrived home, grabbing her key apartment inside her bag.
When she open the door, the first thing that she could see is Haru seating on the floor not far away from the front door.
Haru heard the door being unlock and open then look at the door, once the door open he finally see Mei. she smile apologetic at him.
Haru run toward her and hug her.

Mei hug him back and say
"Have you been waiting here for a long time?"
Haru didn't say anything but he tightly hug her as if his afraid that she would leave him and dissappear.
"I am so sorry little one, i couldn't kept my promise to you."
Haru then respond with "It's okay, your home."
Mei smile.
"Are you hungry?" Said Mei
Haru smile a little and said yes.

Mei then tell Haru to wait at the living room but this time Haru didn't want to, he said that he wants to help her at the kitchen.
So the both of them walks towards the kitchen.
Mei took out all the ingredient that she needs to make dinner, while Haru wait until Mei ask him to do something.
His heart felt at ease seeing Mei at the kitchen, but there is somewhere deep inside his heart that misses both of his parents.

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