Chapter 23

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****Author's Thoughts****
Hello everyone, Chapter 23 is here, next chapter will be out soon. The ending is near.....have a nice day or night y'll.

Yue arrived at their home, when he open the door.
He saw that the maid cleaning the living room.
When the maid say him, she greet him. Yue just nod, then he ask the maid to prepared lunch.
The maid usual didn't have to prepare lunch since Miu would wake up and later getting ready to go out without eating lunch.
"After you finish with the lunch, you can go home early. Don't worry about the other chores, you do that tomorrow." Said Yue.

The maid didn't ask any question since she already custom with Yue's attitude.
She just follow what had Yue order her to do.
After finish, she ask Yue if there is something else that he want her to do before going back home.
Yue shake his head and bid the maid goodbye.
Yue look at his wrist watch and see time is already 11.18a.m and Miu hasn't wake up yet.
He needs to pick Leo up from school before 12:30p.m.

Yue could not wait any longer, so he walk towards the guest room and open it.
The room was filled with the smell of alcohol, he knew the smell since he also a drinker yet wasn't a heavy drinker like Miu.
He shake Miu's body but got no respond from her.
Yue try a few times but still no respond the only thing that he could do is to splash a bit of water on Miu's face.

And so he goes towards the bathroom and find a glass that was for daily use.
He took and fill the glass with a bit of water. After that, he goes back to the guest room and splash the water on Miu's face.
That got Miu wake up fast since she could feel there's been water splash on her faced.
She is livid.
Since her sleep were interupt...

"What the hell are you doing?" She shout loud.
While she rubs her eyes trying to adjust the rooms brightness from the sunlight.
Miu wants to shout again but before she could do so, she heard a male voice.
"For how long are you gonna stay asleep, it's almost noon and if I didn't wake you up, are you gonna sleep till late afternoon?" Yue said.
He try to control his voice from getting furious of her.
Miu is shock to see Yue at home, since he always got up early getting ready for work.
And now he is here and  not at work.

"Babe, what are you doing home? I thought you at work."
" Where else would I be if not at my own home is I'm not working. Now that you up, take a shower now. Can't believe you reek of alcohol and it stink the whole room.
Miu could not say anything since what Yue talk is the facts, she a bit smelly because of drinking too much alcohol and on top of that a few bottles of expensive wine.

Even though her head hurts but she still able to got up from the bed, the reason she trying because she knew that there is something on Yue's mind.
He rarely took a day off and if he did.
That is probably because he wants to talk about something that is serious.
She knew Yue for more than 9 years, and this is something that she is afraid of, if Yue is like this she won't be able to hide anything from him.

It took only 15 minutes for Miu to took a shower and put on her clothes.
Miu went to the living room and saw Yue is seat at the sofa while looking at his mobile phone but his expression is still the same as when she saw him at the guest room, Yue remain stoic.
Noticing someone watching him, he look into the direction where Miu is standing.
She look at him akwardly, Yue got up and told Miu that lunch is already been prepared by the maid and they should eat first before talk.

Miu could not say a single word during eating because it's shown in Yue's face that he did not want to talk about it until they finish eating their lunch.
They having lunch for an hour, after finish Miu took all the plate and start to wash them at the sink.
Yue walk back towards the living room and seat back at the sofa while waiting Miu.
Soon after that Miu also went to the living room and seat the sofa that facing Yue.
There is a lot in Miu's mind when she washes the dishes, is there something that that doesn't seat well with Yue. H
He no longer the same like before.

Heard Yue talk brings Miu back from her thoughts.
"Where is my card that I give to you?"
"Uhh it's in my purse."
"Have you been using in for groceries or buying anything that Leo needs?"
"....." Miu could not speak when she heard Yue ask her about it.
"Well? Have you?...I need you to speak Miu."
"No I haven't."
"And what have you been using my card for?"
"......." Miu still didn't reply to this question.

Yue continue...
"Do you know what I found out about yesterday? The money that I've been saving for the future were no longer there in account? Do you know why?"
Each words that Yue speak fills like venom, it struck in Miu's heart.
"BECAUSE OF YOU!!! Because your so selfish only thinking about yourself and not for this family."
Miu's body got stiff when Yue start to shout, this time Yue didn't hold back his anger.
He lash it out to Miu because she deserve it.
"Didn't you remember what I told you when I gave you the card? It was for you to manage our finance...with the bills, groceries, Leo's education etc. But what happen? You didn't do any of that. When you did not want to do chores around the house, I hired a maid. When you said that you want to spend time with your friends, I gave permission to that too. When you didn't take care of Leo, I let it go since you new at being a mother. Did I do anything wrong until you became like this?"

Miu couldn't not look at Yue, she just stare at the floor.
In her mind, she was suppose to live a luxuries life but that went down when Yue got demoted but still he had some money in his saving account so there is no problem for to spend it. She knows that even though, Yue's father demoted him from the CEO position...
Sooner or later, Yue will be the CEO again since he is the only child.
Miu want to say this but she decided not to.
Her expression is the mix of a bit annoy and scare, yet Yue could clearly see that Miu didn't felt any remorse about it.

Feel more angry, Yue said "You don't have mouth to say anything?"
Miu then look at Yue then she said "What else can I say?"
"Say it to me, why did you change all of the sudden? I thought I know you well since we knew each other years ago but I was wrong. I never knew you could be like this."


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