Chapter 28

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When Leo thinks about something, his thoughts were interup when his father as him if he wants to go see his grandparents.
Leo is a bit taken back since he also knew that his father marrying Miu at that time had a bit of impact on his grandparent since they do not approve of his father and Miu getting married.
Yue seeing Leo whom a bit dazed ask him again if he wanted to see his grandparent and this time Leo respond with a yes, it's been so long that he hasn't see them.
"We'll be seeing them in the weekends." Said Yue 
After his father marry Miu, he could no longer visit them since it was an awkward situation after that. Of course Leo knows about his grandparents since he sometimes facetime them but it wasn't that long.
They would face time for an hour before Leo going to bed, he could see that they love him very much and he also felt the same.
His grandmother usually do the talk while his grandfather would only listen and sometimes he would ask about how his life is with Yue and Miu.

This is something that Leo knows that both his grandparent want to know about how are things going after they had moved from the villa that he used to live.
And Leo doesn't want to worry his grandparents told them that he, his father and Miu are doing just fine.
They continue to contact until a few months after that, Leo started to avoid all the question regarding his father and Miu.
If they continue to talk about it, he knew that he would spill the bean about what had really happen about Miu's sudden changes and how his father had been so busy that he did not realise things aren't that well.
But he couldn't do that, he really doesn't want to make things worse between his father and his grandparents and so whenever they face time him.
He would not answer and when they stop ringing, later Leo would message his grandmother that he would be busy doing homework.
He told them thay he would need to sleep early than the usual time he sleep because of his extra curriculum, he was tired after retuning home from school.

After what happen, now he would be able to see his grandparents, and he would remind himself that he should apologise to them since he has been avoiding their call or face time.

(Fast forward to the weekend)

Yue and Leo are on their way to his parent's house.
While he is driving, his mind think about what would happen when they got there
Since he call his mother and how his mother had ask him to visit them, Yue seems to be nervous.
Each passing day before the weekends makes Yue more nervous and he thinks about a lot of stuff, he truly wanted to mend back his relationship with his parent and he knew that things would not be easy.
Once they reach there, Yue park his car. He could see that his mother and the butler were waiting for them, he just could not shake the feeling of nervous but he told himself to remain calm.

As soon as Yue park and turn off the engine car, Leo got out from the car and runs toward his grandmother. He hugs her as soos as he is close to his grandmother side.
"Grandma, I miss you so much."
"And I miss you to my dear."
Yue's mother hugs him back since she miss his only grandson so much after couldn't see him for so long then turn her gaze towards her son.
Yue arrive at the front door, looking at both Leo whom hugging his mother tightly since they both weren't able to see each other for quite awhile.
Leo is close with his parents, when he was little.
He would always bring Leo to meet his parent, at that time. And if he got work that require him going oversea, he would send Leo to his parent house so they could take care of him with the help of the butler and maids also.
When he reminiscing the past , he then could feel that his mother turn her gaze towards him.
"How are you and dad?"
"Doing fine as usual and you?"
"I'm also doing fine."
"Then let's all get inside since it is brunch time already, I'll ask the maids to prepare the food."

Yue could felt that his mother is being distant towards him and he did not blame her for that because he was the one whom made her disappoint so much because of what had happened with Mei. And that disappointment continue when he had made the decision to marry Mei.
Now he couldnt complaint about it since this is the consequence of his decision.
When they got inside the mansion, he could still see that things still remain the same, nothing has change.
When they reach at the dining room, the foods has already been serve at the dining table, the only thing that wasn't there was Yue's father.
He wanted to ask his mother but she beat him into it by saying that his father is at his office busing working ever since he took over as the CEO.
Yue couldn't say anything else since they had become like this and so his mother, himself and Leo having brunch together.

While Yue remain quite while listening to what Leo and his mother talk about.
Leo have talk all about hos his doing at school, how things are with his friends and how much he misses both of his parent. While his mother just listen to what Leo said, it's seem that Leo could truly change when he saw his grandmother. His mother are the closest of being like a mother to Leo.
He could see that Leo truly loves both of his parents.
They continue having brunch until Leo ask
"Where is grandpa? Is he so busy with his work that he didn't have a brunch together with us?"
"Don't worry dear, your grandpa will come down soon. He could never be that busy for his dear grandchild."
And soon after that Yue's father have walk inside the dining room and seat. The maid is preparing the plate for him and soon his portion of food was served.

"Grandpa" said Leo, he stand and walk towards his grandfather and hug him. He smile brightly and Yue's father smile.
"How are you my boy?"
"I'm doing great now that I have see you grandpa, I miss you so much."
"And I miss you too. Now how about we continue having brunch and after that we could spend time together."
"Okay grandpa." Said Leo and begin to seat back at his chair.
Yue look at his father, he is still the same. He thought.
Then his father look at him and then begin to eat his food. There is no word could Yue ever describe because he also wasnt able to muster a word to his father.

After they finished eating, they all went to the living room. Before they have a serious talk, Yue's mother ask one of the maids to bring Leo into his bedroom.
"I have a gift that I think you would like" Said Yue's mother.
"Really?" Said Leo, his eyes shows an excitement.
"Yes, can you be at your bedroom for awhile? Grandpa, me and your father are having some discussion for awhile. After we finished then we could go out and have fun."
"Okay Grandma." Said Leo.
Yue's mother, told the maid to accompany Leo while he was in the bedroom.
After Leo had left.

The living room become silence, they did not say anything. Waiting for someone to say something.
Then Yue's mother is the first one talk.
"So, what had happen between you and Miu and what exactly did she do until you who was the one persisting in  wanting to marry her but now is getting a divorce?"
Yue could not say, his mother is gently person but when it comes to her serious. No one would've able to avoid, not even his father as well.
"It's complicated mom."
"No, it was not complicated if you been listening to what your father and me had told you before."

****Author's Thoughts****

New chapter is released.....
Heads up, the next chapter will be about Mei, bet you guys would be surprised if you read it and that will be update next week. So make sure to voted and comment about the next chapter, I as a writer would like to improve which I lack of.
Have a nice day or night y'll.
See you next week.....

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