Chapter 4

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The secretary goes out and call the lawyer to come inside Yue's office, the lawyer come inside. Yue stand up from his office chair and look at the lawyer. Yue never see the lawyer before but since the lawyer came, he have to show polite towards the lawyer. Yue walk towards the sofa and ask the lawyer seat in front of him, he have a few sofa and a table a few meter in front of his office table.

After the lawyer seat at the sofa, Yue ask who the lawyer is. The lawyer explain that he is Mei's lawyer, surprise by the lawyer's introduction. There is no doubt that it is regarding their marriage. Without waiting Yue's response, the lawyer took out the divorce paper and explain that Mei requested him to come here for his signature so they can finalise the divorce paper.

Yue is astonish about what the lawyer told him, he never expect that Mei is the first one to take the first step. At the same time he thinks that this is the opportunities to finally getting rid of Mei and marry Miu. But before he sign the divorced paper, Yue ask about the divorce agreement. The lawyer told him that Mei had already set that she never want any compensation and he will also get full custody of their child. What she wanted is freedom, free from the marriage.

Yue never thought that Mei would gave up about the custody of their child but then again he thinks that this is also a good agreement since she was the one who wanted this kind of requirement. Without hesitation, Yue sign his name with a smile, he can already imagine his life without Mei and live a happy life with Miu his soon to be wife and Leo. After he finished sign the divorce paper, the lawyer take back the divorce paper and put it back inside his suitcase.

He bid Yue to have a nice day and Yue reply the same as well, he finally got divorced and for the first time he is glad that it was Mei was the one took the step and ask the lawyer to prepared the divorce paper. Also hers decision in not getting any compensation and gave him a full custody of their child. It is good since Leo also doesn't like Mei even though she is his mother. He couldn't wait to see Miu and told her the good news.

On the other hand, the workers already finished putting all of Mei's stuff inside the trunk. Mei is already getting ready to go out until her mobile rings, she pick up the call. The lawyer told Mei that the divorce paper have been finalise, Mei ask what were Yue's reaction and the lawyer told her that he could see the excitement in Yue's face each time the lawyer explained.

Mei smile knowing that Yue wanted that, and she just gave him what he wants the most; her getting out of his life. She thank the lawyer and end the call. The maid are standing outside the door, Mei bid the maid goodbye. The maid told her to wait Leo return home after school so she could say goodbye to him also but Mei said that she doesn't need to do that. Without waiting for the maid response, Mei left the mansion and get in her car. The company's truck follow behind.

She look at mansion on the side mirror in her car, the scenery of that mansion is the last thing that she see. After this she won't appear in their life again, they no longer her family.

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