Chapter 24

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****Author's Thought****
Here is Chapter 24. After so long, I still couldn't find the right title for each chapter but I will update that after this story complete.
Do continue to voted if you like this chapter, I really appreciate it.
Anyway, since there is only a few chapters left.
Hope you guys enjoy reading this chapter, have a nice day or night y'll.
I will update another chapter in less than 24 hours.
This chapter is how things take a turn of what happen before and after Mei came into Yue and Miu's life.

Miu just kept silent since Yue is mad, there is no point in arguing back because it is true.
She has been with him for so long . She used to loved him, and she is happy with him
Yue is not only from an elite family of billionaire but he also handsome.
He treat her good and would always do whatever she wants not only that, he got all the excellent list that every woman wants in man.
When she was already in a relationship with Yue, she was happy but things change when Yue told her that he had to get marry with someone else.
When they were together, Yue did brings her to meet with his parent but it seems that they didn't like her.
Of course they treat her well whenever Yue bring her back to his family home but she could feel that both his parents aren't that fond of her.

Of course, she thought there are possibilities that Yue's father already did a background check on her.
Before she met Yue, she did have several relationship with man but that did not end well.
And now she is with Yue, she wants to make their relationship works until they could get marry and have children maybe then his parent would like and see that she was serious with Yue.
She tried to be a good partner to Yue so his parent would approve of her being the woman in Yue's life.

Everything was great until she heard a devastated news.
Yue told her that his parent wish for them to brake up since his parent doesn't approved their relationship, she ask why but Yue can't speak any words that his parents had spoke to him about her.
He knew it all, of her previous relationship.
At first he thought that he would play along with being the good boyfriend but as time pass he could see that she love him sincerely and so he himself made the decision to take their relationship into the next level.

When he told his parent about wanting to engage with Miu, they do not approve.
They already decided that he would be engage with a woman of their choice and he has to obey since his father had told him if he did not want then his father would remove him from his will and his company, so Yue had no choice but to agree about it.
When he told Miu about it, she cried and beg him not to do it but when Yue told her that if he didn't then his father would not removing him from all the previlage that he had.
Miu whom already tasted the life of luxuries, thinks that if she ask Yue to do just that then not only him but she would also lose that privilege that Yue had given her.

And so she agree that Yue would marry another woman that is not her, she thought that even though Yue marry someone but still she was the one he love and not the other woman.
She did not attend Yue's engagement and wedding ceremony since she knew if she did attend, Yue's parent would think that she was there to ruin the ceremony.
Yes, she was hurt because their relationship had to be hold since Yue told his parent that he already broken up with her but in reality, they were still together.
After Yue got married, he brings her back into his home.

Of course, she could see that Yue never treated his wife like she should be treated.
And she was satisfied with how things between Yue and his wife.
She also treated her like a maid and the woman didn't not fight back since she knew that Yue married her because of his parent.

She thought she could handle it when Yue is already married with someone else but thing takes turn to worse when Yue ask her to be his child mother.
At that time she thought that Yue want to have a child with her but that also shatter since she was wrong again.
Yue told her that the woman was pregnant with his child.
As soon as she heard that, she got histerical.
Why? She was the one who should have a child with Yue.
That day, it was the first time she and Yue argue so much with a few furniture were broke when Miu lash out her anger.

She could not accept that Yue had got his wife pregnant.
And so she left Yue and return to her apartment that Yue had bought for her, as soon as she got inside her apartment she cried.
This was not the kind of life she wanted.
She wasn't the one Yue marry, she also wasn't the one Yue had a child with.
In just a few weeks, she ignore all of Yue's message and  calls.
She just need time for herself, she was tired being the woman who gave it all in their relationship but still didn't get to be happy.

She started to revert back to her old self.
She contact her previous friend whom she left behind and started to have fun with them, she told them about what happen in her life after she decided to be good and now she wants to be what she want her old self back.
Her friends being the toxic friend, always reminded her that woman should not give their heart to man because it is not worth it.
What woman should give is only the bared minimum of their feelings towards man and woman should enjoy to the fullest when it comes to money.
It doesn't matter if the man already married, as long as woman can spend their money then it's okay.
Miu remember what her friends told her, she should just let it go. As long as she could live luxuries life then everything would be fine.

It took a 3 months for Miu to forgive Yue and he was happy when she reply his message but at the same time he didn't not realise that Miu getting back with him was because of his money.
She agree that she would take care of the baby but she told Yue that she wants the maid to also help her took care of his baby.
Of course she is only acting when Yue with her, but when Yue isn't with her.
She ask the maids to take care of the baby and going out with her friends to have fun.
Yue wasn't able to find out for a long time because she would keep track of when Yue is going back home from work.

When Leo had grown up, she always talk about how he was abandoned by his mother since birth and she was the one whom taking care of him since he was a baby.
Yue just let Miu do that since he also doesnt' acknowledge Mei being Leo's mother.
Mei had begged him many times wanting to see their son but would remind her that he would will never consider her as Leo's mother.
And when both Yue and Miu started to live at the mansion where Mei is, they let Leo see the way they treated Mei and so Leo also pick up how their treats towards his own mother.

It didn't take long when Mei decide to divorced Yue, and for a long time what Miu had wanted is finally will be hers.
The only thing that she also want to be out from her life is Leo, she doesn't want him since he wasn't her child but Mei had agree to change the name birth mother in Leo's birth certificate.
Yue is pleased with it.
He and Miu finally got to be together bound by marriage, of course Yue doesn't want his parent to find out about it.

But that secret he wasn't able to keep for long when his father had call him to go back their house because he needed it discuss about something.
And he did just that, going back to his parent's house.
The first thing that his father mention is about Mei had left after the divorced process already completed.
He told his father that it was Mei whom send the divorce paper to him and he was only fufill what she wished for.
Then Miu was mention in their discussion, his parent still could not accept her and he defend her because he could she how much Miu sacrifices so much for him and the only thing that he would be able to repay is by letting her be the rightfull Mrs Koji.

His decision never waver until his father said that he would no longer want Yue to be the heir of his company and so his father had demoted him.
This shocked Yue as he could not believe his father made a drastic decision just because he wants Miu as his wife, he turn to look at his mother but the only thing he could see his her mother eyes that shown how she was also disappointed.
His mother could not help him as she is not one to interrupt her husband desicion when it related to the company.

Yue accept his parent decision and left.
He knew life would be great because now he was able to get marry with Miu.
He doesn't care about not being able to be the next heir of his father's company, no longer the CEO.
On his mind was how he would be able to build a life for Miu and Leo.
Sad, Miu way of thinking isnt the same as Yue when he told her about what had happen after they got marry.

She wasn't willing to be a housewife, she wants to have fun and spend lots of money on luxuries item etc.
Most of all she doesn't want to take care Leo.

Never Look At The PastOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora