Chapter 14

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Miu have a hard time to understand what exactly happen.
"What do you mean you been demoted? Why?"
"My dad couldn't accept what i did to Mei. So, his cutting ties with me."
"How could he do that? You're his son, he can't just cut ties with you all the sudden."
"Well, he just did."
"So, what going to happen after this? Are you going to look for another job?"

This worries Miu, if Yue got demoted that means she could never life a live as the CEO's wife. She works so hard to get into where she is knows, how can this be happening to her.

She wanted to get mad but can't because it makes too obvious if she did. She never shows her true personality to Yue because she knows that Yue doesn't like woman like that.

"I still work at the company though not CEO anymore, dad transfer me into been manager of the technology department. But my income also the same as all the manager department."
"......." So, I couldn't spend too much money to buy what I want. Miu thought.
As if Yue know what Miu is thinking about, Yue told her not to worry.

Even though his been transfer as manager department but his still had a lot of saving. He did spend a lot of things, like cars, houses and other things. the rest of his money, he saves it just in case something like the company when bankrupt although it may never happen, but no one will ever know what happen in the future.

This is the only thing that Yue inherited from his father. To save up money in case something happens in the future. Miu on the other hand, is relief. Seems like Yue still have money, she has to change her plan.

Yue is still rich but for how long. If they did spend the money, it will probably be no more money to live with the luxury's life that Miu wanted. So, she has to do something about that.

Miu have to make a decision whether she should marry Yue or not. But then she decided that she should marry him and wait for a while trying to find out about how much money does Yue have in his account bank.

And for the next few days, things had changes. Yue being demote. He wasn't happy with how things were arranged. But he could not do anything about it since the company were originally, belongs to his father. He was just the next heir to handle his father's company after his father retire.

Now things are different, he has to save up money since his wedding with Miu is just around the corner. He wants to give a better life for Miu and his son. So, he works hard from early in the morning going to work till late at night.

Miu on the other hand thinks differently, since Yue is just a manager. How can she live a luxury life? She's been thinking about what she should do once they both got married. Since it has come to this, she would have to flee before she gets married to Yue. Now she just wants to know how much money Yue had in him.

She couldn't care less about him and his son. Yue is handsome, and what makes her wants him not just because he has looks but because he was also a CEO of a big company, which means his super rich and she love it when she successfully takes him from Mei. That made her feel good.

Now in Miu's eyes, Yue have no value since his not the CEO anymore. She is disappointed for all her effort is being wasted. She was thinking all of this during the night at their room until she didn't realize that Yue was already there.

"Honey." Said Yue. He was worrying about her since Miu didn't respond to he called her name. Miu snap from her thinking and look at Yue.

"Ohh, you are here."

"Yeah, I saw you thinking hard about something. I call you many times, but you didn't hear me."

"Sorry, I have a lot to think about."

"About what?"

"About what would happen after we got married. Are we going to be okay, I mean can we still live a good life?"

"You're worrying about that? Well, you don't have to worry about that since I have saved up money since the day I started working at the company."


"Of course, you think I'm reckless enough to spend a lot of money on things. I saved up too you know."

"How much did you save? Is it a lot?" Miu kept asking Yue.

"Well, all you have to know is that the money that i have saved up. We can still live a good live until Leo become an adult."

Miu smile happily, if what Yue say is true then she could still live a good life. Just when she dreams of not working and enjoy spending money for luxuries brand, Yue told her that.

" But even so, that money would only be use if there is time that we in trouble. So we can't spend it recklessly."

Miu didn't say anything after that, but clearly she doesn't agree with what Yue told her.

****Author's Thoughts****
Hello everyone, this story will have more update in the future. Hope everyone will continue to support and rate this story. Thank you.

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