Chapter 35: Light vs Darkness!

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She was thinking about what to do right now.

For one part her opponent was... Special...

Not in a good way...

Well, he was kinda special in what one could say was a 'Good way'. Especially with all those titles of his.

So even if he had run away from his work, he was supposed to be good enough to do it right?

So he might be dangerous later on when all his talents blooms.

But right now...


"Justice Sneaky Stab!" He was only making a fool of himself.

Since he was screaming the name of his attacks, the armored girl only had to deflect and get out of the way.

And the crowd was cheering them since it must be hilarious from an outside perspective.

The black-haired kid screamed out, "Fight me you coward!" He must have been really frustrated with this situation.

"Yeah... I really should...Amm..." Answered the armored girl while looking at the crowd. All the while keeping an eye on the kid.

It wouldn't do to get done by a sneaky attack... But then again, the idea of 'Sneaky attacks' of that kid was screaming the name of the attack...

"Do I need to say the names of my... Techniques?" The girl asked of the crazy old man.

She really didn't want to do it, but rules being rules and all she wanted to be sure.

"Not necessary, if your [Skill] requires it go for it, we aren't mages. We don't need the vocal factor unless our [Skill] asks for it." Answered the crazy old man.

"But saying the names make them more powerful and cool!" Added the black-haired kid.

Yeah nope, not doing it.

"Good to know." And so she raised her hand pointing at the black-haired kid.

He instantly went on guard and took a serious position, that stopped looking serious after he said "Counter of Justice" and instantly ruined the moment.

" *sigh* Here is a freebie." Said the girl while a mass of darkness separated from her shadow and coalesced into an obsidian-looking sword. " Shadow Flying Slash " Intoned the armored girl.

Her obsidian sword finished materializing and she made the motion as if she was going to send a flying wave with her sword.

Of course, the black-haired kid instantly held his ground and put his sword in a vertical position to guard himself against the flying slash...

Only to be sucker punched in by the horizontal attack of the black-haired girl.

Instead of telegraphing her attack, after confirming Akira wasn't paying attention to her, she started running towards him and used her obsidian sword as a baseball bat to hit him in his right arm.

His dominant arm.

Sending him flying a few meters while groaning. Akira quickly recovered his stance and rolled with the attack to minimize the damage.

So he had that going for himself at the very least.

Not that he was happy "YOU CHEATER!" Said the kid while nursing his arm. "THAT WASN'T A WAVE ATTACK!" And kept complaining.

"Only an idiot tells his opponent his movement if they can help it. " Said the armored girl while laughing.

That only made the fury in the face of Akira more prominent.

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