Chapter 44: [Alexanders] 13 - The numbers, what do they mean?

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It was the dawn of a new day, he was feeling quite nice these days after the latest change.

Not that he was in bad shape before. His body of 40 years old was quite well maintained after all. A life of continued exercise and a healthy diet had that kind of effect.

Besides his obvious genetic advantage. His heritage, even with all his flaws... Did a good job helping him keep a good health.

Now this new body...Or was it older body?

This one was around the 30-year mark? Perhaps 25 at the earliest?

He wasn't quite sure yet. But it should be around 20-30 so he would call it 25 and be done with it.

He wondered why the girl hadn't questioned his change of appearance more, but he had built that trickster aura for that kind of reason. He wouldn't complain when it worked.

It wouldn't do for the girl to ask too many questions about these kinds of things after all.

So after changing into a new and clean set of clothes and leaving his pajamas to the worker bots...It seems today the spiders won. He left his room in the tree house.

A marvel of engineering even when it was built using the musing of a little girl with too much imagination and way too much power on the manipulation of [Idea].

The meadow was a nice touch though.

He didn't bother to check the pantry or the fridge for food. It was full of either mango cakes, mango slushies, or something mango flavored.

He liked mangos like a normal person, but even he had limits. No.

He would order food to his lab and be done with that.

And so, while searching for a restaurant that did deliveries he walked into the humongous steel doors, put in his code, and registered his retina scan. Placed his hand on the panel, and swept in his card.

After all that the doors open themselves and he could walk into his laboratory.

He always liked to think that this much security was for a reason... An important one, because the things behind these doors were to be protected.

Because the things on this side were too dangerous to leak to the outside... Because mistakes had already been made once.

When in reality...

Alexa was a cheap stake that didn't like to lose a bet and was throwing a tantrum. Probably. That or the big boss still didn't like him. Him or the [Other Big Boss].

Either way, he walked into his lab and couldn't help but to marvel at the transition.

One instant he was in the yard of the meadow that served as a house for him and his sister [Alexandra]. And the next he was in the half of a building that went against all the laws of physics, both normal and meta-physics.

[The Soulscape] The first time he came here it was too different that no words could describe how far they had come.

He had literally built this place up from broken fragments of reality. It was quite nice if he was being modest.

If he wanted to brag about it, then he was sure no one could do a better job than him. Not even one of those [Duo], [Four heavenly kings], [Six emperors] or [Twelve] or whatever they were calling themselves nowadays.

He quite liked how it had ended up, even if he didn't get much input on how the [Skills] of that girl tampered with the design.

Wasn't really a fan about how the [Skills] took form in here, especially that cheeky one [Identify]. That took more space than the main one for some reason. He some days really wondered if the main one only existed to allow this one to be.

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