Chapter 34: So...How you doing?

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The arena, she was back here again after so little time...

No longer than 24 hours and she was once again here, in the doors towards the Arena.

At least her mana and health had come back to more normal numbers, even if her mana still wasn't topped up to 100%. And her stamina was rounding in the '80s.

But she wasn't going to be doing much magic so she wasn't worried about the mana. Since her current persona as powered was going to be moving around... Stamina might be a problem.

Now walking into the Arena in her new persona was... Different. Since no one was sure who she was, she could take her time to admire the Arena.

It was... A magnificent work of art with architecture and grandeur. Almost as if they had taken the arena from the time stream and brought it forth into the present.

It had a design that made sure you could feel the testament to the glory of the ancient civilizations, adorned with carvings showcasing fights. Only... Instead of ancient warriors, you could see representations of both heroes and villains.

Among the pictures of monsters, demons, and angels... Isn't that some ominous foreshadowing?

The battlefield on the other hand... Was more mundane, unlike more modern arenas, it didn't have hollow flooring, nor synthetic flooring, being mere dirt. At least it wasn't asphalt, she hadn't much to worry about as a magical girl before since they fight using magic.

But in a powered class...Yeah, she was expecting a more... Physical fight.

In the seating arrangement, unlike in her magical class, there were rows upon rows of visitors. A quick look into their garments (And an [Identify]) came with the results of them being from either other classes or grades.

Also, a few professors were among the rows, both from powered and magical.

Were they supposed to be a spectacle?

She felt conflicted about this, especially if they were advertised as a show, this might mean that her father & mother might end up seeing her combat...

And this form didn't have [Security Nodes] to obfuscate her identity...

Well, besides the different face and body forms.

Also... Were they... selling snacks?


Wasn't this a school?

Oh, they required an ID that showed they were of age or had an advanced metabolism to break down the alcohol?


Ugh... Bread and circus... It's always the stupid bread and circus to keep the peasants happy.

Enough about the useless stuff, she had to focus on the problems in front of her, like the other competition.

As expected most of her cohorts had come wearing different levels of armor and body suits.

She could see the influence of several big-shot heroes in the garments of her cohorts, from big-name heroes like [The Twelve] to a few girls wearing ornaments of magical girls.

That gave her a good idea of what those girls could do, since the only excuse she could find for that type of garments as a powered would mean they were elemental manipulators.

So easy work to deal with them.

On a side note, she found something interesting, the class had a nice divide in how they were waiting, and to her left were those with suits with influences by heroes and 'Good persons'.

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