Chapter 37: So you say the actions we do have consecuences?!?

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Akira POV

Breathing was hard, his palms were sweaty under the leather gloves. And now with the silvery gauntlets, it was only turning worse.

He felt like the sword would slip at any second, the only thing keeping it in his hands was the effect of one of his few [Divine Skills] that he had managed to awaken.

If not for the help of the skill he probably wouldn't be able to stand against the [Villain] that was smirking at him.

From the moment he saw her, he knew she was problems. At first, he only thought that she was one of the grindstones the gods had aligned for him.

Even after Rena had insisted that girl was the stuck-up Elizabeth he only dismissed it at first. But after thinking he thought it would be a good way to test his mettle against a grindstone early on.

So he challenged her.

She was a fine grindstone since the gauntlets and boots were proof that another of his skill was awakening too.

First, his [Blessing of might] had awoken, then the next one was [Armory of the gods].

If only he gave a little push...

But alas, it came too late said push.

Since the craven witch had taken his childhood friend as a hostage!

She was even mocking him for it!

But even after the esteemed trainer called the end she didn't back down!

"YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" Was all that he could muster to say.

But the witch came saying something that didn't quite register to him...

She claimed a Hero's fight is always fair?

But she wasn't a hero!

She was acting like a [Villain]!

She was mocking all that made one a [Hero]!

Besides...Akira was the only hero in this world!

All the other wannabes were only that, pretenders!

Why couldn't they see it?

That was all that was going around in the mind of the young male while witnessing the spectacle in front of him.

But since the match didn't end as per the wish of [Shadow Empress]

He only could grind his teeth and suck it up.

But it was in the middle of that rage, that feeling of despair that another of his [Skills] woke up!

"AAAAAAAAH!!!" Screamed to the heavens the young [Hero] " COME! PARAGON OF JUSTICE!" And in a blinding show of light, a silver armor-covered the black coat of Akira.

He had awoken his second subset skill!

Even if he used the wrong name (Again).

From where he stood he could see how the Shadows recoiled and ran away from his mere holy presence!

"YOU WILL FALL [Villain]!" Said the young hero while going after the evil witch.

He could feel his dwindling mana coursing through his veins and going directly into his [Mana Core] something that this world didn't know about too.

He fed his mana into it to activate his sleeping blessing activating it at once again and receiving an increase in his status.

That girl might very well be a [Final Boss] so, he wanted to end her right now.

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