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"It indeed is"

I agreed to her previous comment about the shittiest shake in this world, mint chocolate shake, while nodding my head.

As I observed the subtle shift in her expression. The smirk that tugged at the corner of her lips carried with it a sense of triumph, as if she were silently proclaiming, 'I told you so.' Yet, beneath the surface, there lingered a hint of something more complex-a mixture of sadness, perhaps, but also an underlying disdain. Disdain for me...? for a fleeting moment i questioned myself.

But at the end I chose to dismiss my doubts and believe that it was nothing but by over observing self making me see things.

As I felt the weight of the silence pressing down upon us, I made a conscious effort to break the tension and start a conversation about the topic i had been eager to discuss. In truth, there were few individuals whom I found truly impressive-those who possessed a keen intellect and a capacity for critical thinking that matched my own. And she had managed to distinguish herself as one of those rare individuals.

It had been a mere month since she had joined the company, yet in that short span of time, she had demonstrated a remarkable aptitude on our business field. Her ability to grasp complex concepts and formulate innovative ideas had not gone unnoticed, and I felt compelled to acknowledge her contributions and offer my sincere appreciation.

"By the way the idea that you presented at the meeting was impressive and unique"

I told her as her face turned to face me. I couldn't help but notice a flicker of surprise in her expression as my words reached her ears. Her initial reaction was of disbelief, perhaps she caught off guard by the unexpected praise. Yet, she quickly regained her composure, masking any trace of astonishment with a practiced ease.

A smile graced her lips in response to my words, but I couldn't shake the feeling that it was somewhat forced, lacking the genuine warmth. Though her lips curved upwards, the light didn't quite reach her eyes, leaving them still clouded with a hint of reservation.

"Thank you. I am glad you like it, sir"

She said and turned her gaze towards the tree looming over us, She added the last word after a pause, almost like she forgot to add it. But remembering the relationship we have-a very strict, professional employer-employee relationship-she added.


I focused on the document in hand, now containing the brand new idea that Miss Inaaya presented that day. Finally, I got the draft after verbally finalizing it with the publishing and marketing departments, and it was well-written-Tanvi must have written it. As I read through the file, I couldn't help but appreciate her business mind once again.

As I sat at my desk, the memories of our recent interaction in the park played out in my mind like a vivid scene from a movie. Her presence seemed to linger in the air, her expressions etched into my memory with clarity.

I found myself fixating on the subtle nuances of her demeanor-the fleeting smile tinged with sadness, the hints of disdain that seemed to lurk beneath the surface. Despite her efforts to conceal her emotions.

The image of her scrunched face as she sipped on the mint chocolate shake, that shitty drink, before voicing her dislike for it, resurfaced in my mind. A faint chuckle escaped from me without my realizing it.

"The drink is just not it! Shitty! Fucking hate it"

"Good thing you aren't becoming a doctor otherwise..."

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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