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Entering the park, I felt a sense of familiarity wash over me, a comforting embrace contrast to the inner turmoil inside me. This was my place, my shelter if things go south in my life. Today, however, i am not here because of things are not right, but rather the weight of guilt that hung heavy on my heart.

With a sigh, I checked the time on my phone, to check how much i have left in lunch break.

40 minutes. Enough.

Placing the carton of mint chocolate shake beside me on the bench with a heavy sigh, I looked around. The park was relatively empty, like always. Good for me i guess.

Sitting on the bench, I turned my gaze towards the towering tree that stood before me, its branches swaying gently in the breeze. Its vibrant green leaves and delicate yellow flowers danced with the wind. Closing my eyes i dive into my pool of thoughts. It's been almost a month since I last came here. Work has kept me away from this place for almost that long. A month.

I rubbed my face before opening my eyes as I reflected on the events that had led me to this moment, a wave of guilt washed over me. Guilt for allowing misunderstanding to cloud my judgment, for failing to see beyond the surface of the situation.

I reached for the carton of mint chocolate shake while my heart churned with mixed emotions. Guilt. Frustration. Sadness. Opening the lid i chugged down one mini bottle of chocolate mint shake.

"Who drink these stuffs!?" I complained.

He didn't fire her without reason. There had been a solid reason behind his decision, a breach of trust that warranted consequences. She had leaked confidential information about the company a crime that couldn't be overlooked.

I chugged another bottle

"It's like a mixture of toothpaste and water!" I complained once more.

And even when he fired her he didn't blacklisted nor reported her understanding her situation, understanding that she was blackmailed. Even when firing her he tried understanding her situation. How can i think he is heartless. I misunderstood him.

"Who in the right mind would made these shitty stuff!"

The bitterness of the drink mirroring the bitterness of my own emotions. But even as I voiced my distaste for the beverage, I couldn't shake the nagging sense of unease that gnawed at my conscience.

I chugged another drink and another one. As I continued to drink the mint chocolate shake, my mind swirled with conflicting thoughts and emotions. Each sip seemed to fuel my internal debate, amplifying the turmoil within me. With each bottle emptied, I found myself sinking deeper into a sea of guilt.

My head fell down while my hands supported my head to keep it intact. My head hung low until...

"Miss Inaaya?"

I looked up. Ishaan's presence sent a shiver down my spine, his eyes piercing through mine with an intensity that made my heart race. A whisper escaped my lips, almost involuntarily, as I struggled to compose myself in his presence. The cool breeze that touch my skin making the hairs of my body stand ,seemed to carry the weight of unspoken words between us, and as I looked into his eyes.

His gaze held mine, and for a fleeting moment, I felt a sense of familiarity wash over me, as if we were transported back to a time when things were simpler, when our bond was unbreakable. But it was just a flicker, a fleeting glimpse of what once was, before reality came crashing back in, reminding me of the chasm that now separated us.

"Sir, You are here?" I exclaimed standing up and questioning his presence.

"I was on a business call and walking" , He explained probably getting what i had meant..

ADHURI KAHANI: A tale of an amnesic bondWhere stories live. Discover now