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"Meeting dismissed"

He exited the room as the meeting concluded and everyone began to gather their belongings, I swiftly packed up my notebook and pen, ready to exit the room. With a nod of acknowledgment to my colleagues, I followed Ishaan's lead and headed towards the door. However, amidst the shuffling of feet and the rustling of papers, a distinct sound caught my attention - the familiar click of heels against the floor.


The voice echoed in the rather silent corridor. It was the familiar sweet voice that could put anyone at ease-Tanvi's. Turning around, I found myself face to face with her, her radiant smile illuminating the room. Despite the bustling atmosphere, her presence seemed to command attention, drawing my focus like a magnet. I paused in my tracks, my steps coming to a halt as I greeted her with a nod of recognition. A smile made its way to my face just by meeting her squinting eyes. Her smile is contagious.

"Hiii" , I greeted

"Hello", she said with the smile intact in her face

"I wanted to say that I really liked your ideas during the meeting. You brought some fresh perspectives to the table."

She complemented.

"I am glad you liked it, Miss...?"

I stopped midway, realizing I don't know her surname yet. She noticed my questioning face, eager to know her surname. She shook her head.

"Oh, no, no... it's okay. Just call me by my name, Tanvi."

"Sure", I smiled

"What's your plan after this", she questioned

"Nothing much. i will go through some files before lunch break" I answered

"We can have lunch together in the cafeteria if you don't have any prior plans?"

She asked me and waited for my reply. I don't have any plans I was planning eat by myself like i have been doing since I joined the company. Do I feel lonely? sometimes. But I am more than okay being alone or I like to think that way. There's not many people in this world whose company I enjoy, I can count it on my fingers. But I guess it's time push myself out of the comfort zone moreover Tanvi sounds and looks genuine. It is highly likely that I will enjoy her company at least I did enjoy the small talks I had with her in the cafeteria, lift, corridor.

"Sure...dining with company sounds good", i replied a small smile playing at the corners of my lips.

Tanvi's smile widened at my response, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "Great! See you in the cafeteria then"

I nodded in agreement before we part ways.

I spent half an hour before lunch going through some documents, making sure there were no mistakes. If I found any, I made a note to return them to the respective departments for correction. I wasn't able to check many files, only two before lunchtime. Any other day, I would have just sat through lunchtime and ordered something to my cabin. But today, I was having lunch with Tanvi, and I didn't want her to think that I was only interested in having lunch with her because she was forcing me. In fact, I was looking forward to it

I set aside the remaining documents and tidied up my workspace, ensuring everything was in order for my absence. Gathering my belongings, I made my way to the designated meeting spot, the cafeteria. As I arrived, I noticed Tanvi already standing outside the cafeteria. Upon spotting me, she flashed a smile, and I reciprocated.

In the bustling cafeteria, the air is filled with the lively hum of conversation, and the clinking of spoons and vessels rings out as workers serve dishes to the employees. As I step in, the aroma of different dishes hits my nose, prompting me to inhale deeply. Tables are packed with diners enjoying their meals, their animated conversations mingling with laughter. Tanvi and I decide to join the line, with her in front of me. The counter is adorned with a variety of food options: dosa, chole bhature, biryani, chicken curry, plain rice, and dal, offering simpler options for those who prefer them.

Do you want some of this?" She asked, pointing at the freshly cut cucumber pieces.

I nodded.

She served me a few pieces of cucumber. We proceeded down the line, each of us selecting the dishes we wanted. Tanvi asked me a few times if I'd like to have a particular dish. We finally reached the end of the line when something caught my attention, or more precisely, someone's name from the people who were now walking just in front of us.

"I know, right? He's a heartless jerk for firing that poor woman!"

The comment from the girls hit a nerve, igniting a spark of indignation within me. How could they label him as heartless without knowing the full story? I felt compelled to defend him, to challenge their narrow-minded judgment.

Hypocrite! My inner voice mocked me, echoing my past judgments. But I shut it down as quickly as it came.

Suppressing the inner conflict, I took a deep breath, trying to compose myself before responding. It was tempting to lash out in defense of him, but I knew that wouldn't solve anything. Instead, I chose to keep silent

"I mean who does that! That poor woman probably gave her everything to this company"

The other girl spoke and my face involuntarily turned towards Tanvi, who was already looking at me. She heard everything too; her eyes spoke, she did. Her face looked like this was not the first time she had heard people say this, but that did not stop disappointment from casting its shadow when she heard the girl gossip about Ishaan.

We took our seats when we reached a table with empty chairs, and the three girls gossiping continued further while still talking about Ishaan. My eyes followed them until they disappeared into the crowd, even though I was seated. When I turned my head back, my eyes met Tanvi's. We stared at each other, me thinking if I should ask her if she knows why he fired that woman, and she? She was waiting for me to ask the question? I couldn't decipher. Our eye contact contest came to an end when she decided to speak, probably knowing that I would not ask the question, even though curiosity is probably evident on my face.

She took a deep breath.

"She was leaking information about our company to a rival company, and that's why she was fired. Ishaan didn't blacklist her because he later found out that she was being blackmailed. They threatened to harm her baby if she didn't comply. Blacklisting her would mean she couldn't get any job, and he didn't want that for her considering the circumstances. But he also couldn't keep her employed knowing what she had done."

She explained and the spoon with which i was about to feed myself froze in my hands


Here is the 11th chapter. I hope you guys liked it.

Do you think Tanvi is a genuine friend or she is someone whose hiding secrets ?

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Chapter 12 will be released soon <3

Also follow my Instagram for spoilers. ID is : bulletproofarmy43_

ADHURI KAHANI: A tale of an amnesic bondWhere stories live. Discover now