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The narrow pathways between stalls were adorned with colorful banners, each vendor trying to outshine the other in a visual spectacle of hues. Shimmering fabrics hung like tapestries, creating a kaleidoscope of colors that swayed gently in the breeze. The market echoed with different kinds of voices, as sellers passionately called out to potential customers.

Stalls overflowed with an eclectic array of clothing items - from traditional garments adorned with intricate embroidery to contemporary pieces showcasing the latest fashion trends. Mannequins posed gracefully, showcasing the garments in their full glory, while customers weaved through the crowded aisles, their hands grazing over fabrics as they inspected the quality and craftsmanship.

Bargain hunters negotiated with shopkeepers, and the laughter of occasional triumph after a successful deal echoed. The clinking of coins, the rustling of fabrics, and the hum of excited chatter blended into the bustling market. Amidst the chaos, skilled tailors worked diligently, measuring, cutting, and stitching to custom-fit garments for eager customers.

As much as I want to accompany my best friend here, I can't help but feel stuck and exhausted. Ishaan and I have been strolling in this bustling market for an hour and a half at this point. Ishaan dragged me here after bribing me with boba tea and some words praising how good my fashion sense is, but now I feel like I should not have given in that easily. He said he needed a suit for some wedding and he needed my opinion while buying the suit.

Ishaan, appears to be in his element, exploring each rack with enthusiasm. He pulls out different suits, asking for my opinion, and then swiftly discarding them in search of the perfect ensemble. The constant decision-making and the never-ending quest for the ideal suit make me yearn for a quiet corner and a respite from the sensory overload.

I glance at my watch, realizing that our supposed quick shopping trip has turned into a prolonged one. I try to hide my exhaustion, offering polite nods and occasional input, but my mind is wandering, and I find myself daydreaming about another boba tea promised as a reward for enduring this shopping marathon.

"Don't forget my boba tea after this " I huffed

"Don't worry plum i will not", he said focusing on the suit that was in front of him

"This one?" he asked picking another suit and i shook my head

"This colour will not suit you"

He put the suit in his hand back and was about to turn to my side when a man collided with Ishaan. The man apologized instantly, and so did Ishaan. The man passed Ishaan, who was once again immersed in the suits when a realization clicked in my mind. I saw something in the man's hands.

"Uncle, wait!" I called out, and the man stopped in his tracks.

By this point, Ishaan's attention was on me, and he looked at me with confusion. He raised his brows, asking me what I was up to. But I chose to close the distance between me and that man rather than answering him. Ishaan followed me.

"Uncle can i see money bag in your hand"

"Inaaya what are you --" He stopped midway when i showed him my palm

"But why", The man's face turned pale as he gulped hard. The two words that came out as a shiver confirmed my suspicions.

The man tried to slip off and run away, but thanks to my quick reflexes, he couldn't as I held his hands. Ishaan, at this point, knew something was wrong and didn't question. I held onto the man's hand, which was shivering, his face a few shades whiter. Fear was evident in his eyes. I snatched the money bag from his hands and gave it to Ishaan

ADHURI KAHANI: A tale of an amnesic bondWhere stories live. Discover now