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As I sat in the office, the room was filled with the rhythmic sound of typing on the keyboard. I had already started replying to emails from yesterday without the assistance of Shivyansh. Building a schedule on my own felt like an uphill battle, but I was determined to get there. The pile of emails seemed endless. I had been at it since morning, and fatigue threatened to settle in. The strain on my arm was palpable, the constant typing taking a toll. It felt like my arm would fall off at any moment. Despite the challenge, there was a sense of accomplishment in each response sent.

Taking a well-deserved break, I paused for a minute. Glancing around my table, I couldn't help but notice the evidence of the backlog that had accumulated over time. It was packed with files and documents, each representing a task or correspondence that demanded my attention.

I had already responded to more than 80 emails, which felt like a significant accomplishment. The break offered a moment to reflect, to gather my thoughts, and to acknowledge the progress made, even if it felt like there was still a mountain ahead.

A wave of comfort washed over me as I shifted my gaze to the photo frames on my right, capturing the smiling faces of the family I now have-my parents. Those framed moments served as a source of motivation, a reminder of the unwavering support that fueled my journey through the toughest times. The toughest challenge at this point is facing Ishaan from 9 to 5, which is draining my energy like a vampire.

Taking a deep breath, I refocused my attention on the tasks at hand. Dwelling on thoughts of Ishaan would only serve as a distraction, and I couldn't afford to let my mind wander into that emotional territory again.

I was starting to focus, burying my head in the pile of files, when the landline phone on my desk rang. Knowing who it could be, I almost immediately picked up the phone and was met with a professional, manly voice on the other end.

"Miss Inaaya, I need you to come to my cabin," the voice said, firm and commanding.

I quickly replied, "Sure, sir. I'll be right there."

I stood up from my desk and walked towards his cabin, located just opposite my office in the hallway. This floor had only a few cabins, reserved for the CEO, his secretary i.e me, the COO and his secretary

My steps came to a halt in front of his table. Seeing him engrossed in a phone conversation, I patiently waited for him to finish. The hushed tones of his conversation carried across the room, and I took a moment to observe the subtle nuances of his expressions, wondering what might be occupying his attention.

Soon, however, his expression changed. His eyes turned dark, eyebrows knitted together in a storm of emotions. Darkness surrounded him, like black, angry clouds wanting to rain. My curiosity peaked to the maximum as I couldn't help but wonder about the source of his sudden shift in demeanor. The charged atmosphere in the room left an unspoken question hanging in the air, and I found myself on the edge of anticipation, eager to understand the cause behind this unexpected change.

"Hmm okay"


He cut the the call and stood up from his seat and before i could say anything he said

"Follow me."

I did. He took longer steps, a clear indication of the urgency in his demeanor. His face still bore a dark expression, icy cold to the point that one stare from him could freeze you to death. I was struggling to keep up with him but nevertheless in mere moments, we reached the 8th floor- the publishing department. The realization struck me. Shivyansh briefed me about every department, ensuring I had a better understanding of the company.

As we stepped onto the 8th floor, I couldn't shake the sense that something significant was about to unfold. The air crackled with tension, and the weight of his dark expression lingered. I braced myself for whatever awaited...

Upon reaching the room, I examined the employees. Their faces were pale, panic evident in the hurried movements of some who clutched papers, moving from one table to another. A wave of concern washed over me as I tried to piece together the puzzle. What was the issue here, I wondered to myself, observing the chaotic scene that unfolded before my eyes.

"Who is Anita here?"

"Where is she?"

His deep voice cut through the entire room, a commanding presence that demanded attention. Everyone looked at him, pausing in their tasks. A girl timidly raised her hand, her body almost shivering, her face a few shades paler than usual. The air seemed to thicken with the tension radiating from his body. It was almost as if she knew what Ishaan was about to address. The room held its breath, waiting for the revelation. Was he going to lecture her, criticize her, insult her in front of everyone? The uncertainty hung in the air, and I couldn't help but share in the collective tension that gripped the room.

"You are fired right here, right now!"

My eyes widened so much that it felt like they almost popped out of their sockets, mirroring the collective gasp that echoed through the room. He fired her? Just like that? But why The shock in the atmosphere remained, leaving everyone stunned, including me. I stood at his right side, turning my face to look at him. His expression was cold as ice, unhinged, stoic, as if he hadn't just terminated an employee.

The girl fell to her knees, desperately apologizing, but not a hair on Ishaan's body moved. Everyone in the room was frozen in disbelief, processing the abrupt turn of events. I looked at Shivyansh, standing nearby, his expression mirroring Ishaan's, cold and unyielding. However, his gaze was fixed on someone else.

I followed Shivyansh's line of sight and found Tanvi staring back and forth between him and the kneeling girl in front of Ishaan. A flicker of pity could be seen in Tanvi's eyes, but other than that, her expression remained relatively neutral. The dynamics in the room had shifted, and an unspoken tension hung heavy in the air.

"Miss Inaaya"

He called my name. His deep voice, with a rough tone, sent shivers down my spine. It was as if an electric current passed through my body, causing the hairs on the nape of my neck to stand up. The room seemed to amplify the intensity of his call.


My voice barely came out of my throat, but he heard it

"Issue the official contract termination for her,"

And he left, his steps long and steady, his broad back stiff, and his demeanor unyielding. The girl still knelt on the ground, her sobs filling the room. Everyone looked at her in pity, but no one dared to say a word to Ishaan.

With my peripheral vision, I saw Shivyansh leaving the room, and Tanvi followed after him. However, I was too focused on what happened a few moments ago to decipher their actions. He fired an employee just like that...



Here is the seventh chapter. I hope you guys liked it.

What do you think? Is Ishaan heartless?

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Eighth chapter will be released soon <3

Also follow my Instagram for spoilers. ID is : bulletproofarmy43_

ADHURI KAHANI: A tale of an amnesic bondWhere stories live. Discover now