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I sat in the back seat of the car, the engine's gentle hum creating a backdrop for the whirlwind of emotions churning within me. My hands clutched the bag in my lap tighter as the car approached the familiar-looking building, Epoch Insights. If it hadn't been for that one person, I wouldn't be this nervous on my second day.

I haven't met many people yesterday, only Tanvi, Shivyansh, and of course, Ishaan. The anticipation had been building since morning, an invisible weight pressing on my chest. Thoughts of new faces, unfamiliar tasks, and the lingering shadow of the previous day's interactions crowded my mind. I felt like I was about to drown in a river of overthinking.

As the car slowed down, my heart quickened its pace. I took a deep breath, attempting to steady my nerves. The driver's voice cut through my internal turmoil.

"We are here."

Gathering my belongings, I stepped out of the car. Unzipping my purse, I retrieved my phone and prepared to pay the driver his share of the fare. As I got hold of my phone, I scanned the code to process the payment.

Everyone in my family is urging me to buy a car, but I don't have enough budget for that...yet. The idea of owning a car was enticing, but the reality of my budget constraints kept it firmly out of reach-at least for now. However, that was a detail my family didn't need to know.

I navigated through the payment app, ensuring the transaction was smooth and swift. The notion of buying a car had become a recurring conversation at family gatherings, often met with encouraging nods and well-intentioned advice. But the truth was, my budget was yet to align with such aspirations.

If I were to confess this to my parents, I knew them well enough to anticipate their immediate response-i.e., a car on my doorstep the next day, saying it's a gift for the most insignificant and trivial occasion... something I have never heard of... I think half of the time they just make this up.

I chuckled to myself, remembering the makeup set worth 10,000 rupees they had given me, claiming it was a gift for World Kindness Day. According to them, they were simply being kind by gifting it to me, conveniently overlooking the fact that I had expressed my desire for that specific product just once... only one time.

But I don't want to leech off them anymore. I know they love me, and I love them equally. They've never made me feel like an outsider, someone not from the family. It is time I stop asking for things, considering I am capable of earning with the education my parents provided me.

Maa and papa's faces flashed before my eyes, and I suddenly felt more confident than ever. It felt like I could now face any obstacle in the world, knowing I will always have someone to go back to, someone to lean on if I EVER face any problem

My steps halted in front of the elevator. As my hand reached for the button on the wall to call the elevator to the ground floor, it stilled mid-retrieval. A sudden awareness of someone's presence behind me, more accurately, a distinct fragrance, sent a shiver down my spine. The scent was achingly familiar, like a long-lost memory resurfacing.

My shoulders tensed as the fragrance of his perfume hit my nostrils with a wave of recognition. It was him... Ishaan. I stood frozen, caught between the desire to turn around and face the source of the scent and the instinct to remain rooted in place. The elevator seemed to take an eternity, the anticipation building with each passing second. I gave in to my desires and turned around, confirming what my senses had already suggested - it was him. I found Ishaan looking at me, his gaze meeting mine, and in that fleeting moment, time seemed to stand still. The air hung heavy with, making the situation awkward, and my heartbeat quickened in response.

His brown eyes locked onto my black ones, it was as if the universe had paused. However, within the depths of his gaze, the unfamiliarity persisted, and a wave of realization washed over me. The eyes that once held warmth now harbored a distance, and the familiarity that once defined our connection seemed to have evaporated. As his long-lashed eyes continued to meet mine, I snapped out of my train of thoughts, a journey with no stops.

"Good Morning...sir"


The awkwardness lingered, and with a hesitant nod, I broke eye contact, turning my attention back to the elevator that awaited, ready to descend into a reality that now felt more uncertain than ever.

To our, or rather my, luck, the elevator didn't take much longer, and I sighed internally, feeling relieved. Turning to make way for him, I wanted to convey a sign of respect. It was crucial to avoid any perception that I took everything for granted, especially considering the fact that he was my friend - or at least, that's what he must be thinking.

As I stepped back, he moved forward at the same time. The result was an unexpected collision. My back crashed against his hard, muscular chest. His right hand instinctively went to my back, a reflex to prevent me from falling due to the unexpected imbalance. I stepped back, I didn't want to give the impression that I was taking advantage of the moment. As I moved away, his hands returned to his pockets, and this time, he entered the elevator. I entered after him as well, taking my place behind him.

As the doors closed, the surrounding fell silent. I stole a glance, looking up to catch his side profile. The slight stubble, the sharp nose, the eyes adorned with long lashes, and a jawline so defined it could cut through the silence. It was a portrait of a person I once knew, yet someone who felt like a distant memory. Observing him now, I noticed how tall he had become. He was tall even back in high school, but in this close proximity, I realized he had grown even more, towering over me. He was at least 4-5 inches taller than his high school self, reaching the mark of 6 feet.

Shit. No.

Don't go there Inaaya. Donot think about the past. It all gone now...nothing is left between us except for a boss employee relation.

Anxiety crept inside me, extending its tendrils to my soul. I gulped hard, attempting to distract my mind, but my breathing turned shallow. I intertwined both my hands, feeling the subtle warmth of skin against skin. My thumb of my right hand began to scratch the surface of my other hand, a rhythmic motion....anything...anything to calm me down at this moment.

Finally, the elevator door opened with a ting sound as a sigh of relief left my mouth. I hope he didn't hear that. After he stepped out, I did the same...

"Miss Inaaya," he turned around.

"Yes..." oh i have to add sir "...sir"

"I have heard Shivyansh will be helping you with your work for a few days, so if you have any doubts, ask him."

"Sure, sir," I nodded my head.

He reciprocated with a nod and went to his cabin.

I looked at his back and breathed out, a breath I had no knowledge I was holding in. My eyes burned, my throat hurt, but I would not allow myself to cry. I looked down at my hands, blood oozing from the spot where I was scratching from the moment I stepped into the elevator.

It's embarrassing... embarrassing when you are the only one stuck in the past and the other moved on like nothing ever happened.


Here is the sixth chapter. I hope you guys liked it.

What do you think Ishaan's personality will be?

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Seventh chapter will be released soon <3

Also follow my Instagram for spoilers. ID is : bulletproofarmy43_

ADHURI KAHANI: A tale of an amnesic bondWhere stories live. Discover now