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The next morning bright and early everyone was up getting their breakfast and lunch on the go along with one cooler for each pair of women to head out into the hay fields this morning. Haying was half way done when Lena and Kara returned so that meant that they could help out with it. "You ready?" Kara asked. "Yes!" Lena replied as they got into the tractor. "What will we be doing?" Len asked. "We'll be getting the hay bales from the fields. We bring them to the trailer and stack them on. The once the wagons full we bring it back to the barn and stack them in there. It'll be an all day process so I hope you'll be comfortable." Kara explained. "I'd be comfortable anywhere with you by my side Kara." Lena replied. "Good, me too." Kara replied.

After hitching the large wagon to the tractor they headed out to the south fields and began their day of getting hay bales in. While everyone else spent time in the other fields mowing and tending the hay. "This is so exciting!" Lena stated as they rode along down the dirt path. "I'm glad you think so darling. One day you'll probably be doing this alone, or with one of our children." Kara replied. Lena began to think about what the blonde said. 'One of their kids...' Lena could see it now a bunch of little blonde haired blue eyed Kara's running around the ranch. The images made her heart swell. "I can see it now... a bunch of mini Kara's running around the ranch." Lena added.

"And some mini Lena's in the mix too." Kara added. Again the blondes words hit Lena right in the heart. "Yes and some little me's running about too. Our poor mothers won't have any peace!" Lena replied. "Oh...I'm sure they'd be in there element. Besides it'll be worse if my sisters marry your friends. Can you picture little Sam's or Alex's running around. Or little Maggie's of Andrea's?" Kara asked. "Oh gosh! Eliza would go insane! So wouldn't Andrea and Sam's mothers." Lena replied.

Once they got to the field Kara pulled the wagon out into a ways before parking the tractor and jumping out to un hitch it. Lena didn't pay no mind till she heard a gun go off. "KARA!" She screamed as she jumped out of the cab. "Lee! It's ok! It's just a rattle snake. I'm ok...I'm here..I'm here..I got you Lee." Kara said as she pulled her girlfriend into her arms. Lena was shaking as she clung to Kara's shirt. "I...I thought...it was another bear..." Lena replied. "I know darling...I know. But look see...It's just a snake." Kara said softly. Lena pulled herself away and looked on the ground where the dead snake lay. "Its head is missing!" Lena exclaimed. "Yea..I may have shot it off. But look I can take it home and I can have it turned into a band for your hat or something if you like?" Kara asked.

"Like...for real?" Lena asked. "Only if you want." Kara replied. Lena looked at the dead snake for a moment before looking at Kara. "Or...I can cut the rattle off and we can turn it into a necklace..." Kara added. "That would be nice. Then I'll have it to remind me of today..of how I freaked out." Lena replied. "It's natural to be freaked out love, but there isn't anything out her that could ever keep me from you. No man, woman or animal could keep me from you Lee...you know that right?" Kara asked. Lena nodded her head slowly. "Ok...I'm gonna cut the rattle off now and unhitch the trailer so we can start." Kara replied.

Lena stayed by her side while she cut the rattle off and stuck into her pocket before getting back into the cab. "Ok I'm gonna show you how it's done then I want you to give it a go." Kara explained as she looked at Lena who nodded her head. Kara explained everything inside the cab and how it worked before she went to the first bale and put the spike through it and lifted it onto the trailer. "Ok...Lee are you ready?" Kara asked. "Yes. You'll be right here though right?" Lena asked. "Yes darling." Kara replied.

Together they loaded the wagon, Lena was a quick learner which made Kara proud. "Ok..before we head back how about we have some breakfast?" Kara asked as Lena nodded. Lena put the tractor in park and swapped places with Kara so they could eat together. "You did so wonderful! I'm proud of you darling." Kara exclaimed. "Really?" Lena asked. "Of course darling! You did absolutely amazing!" Kara replied.

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