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Three hours later they were finally approaching the campsite. "This is beautiful!" Andrea cooed as they brought their horses to a stop. After everyone dismounted the Danvers's sisters set up the camp site together while the three friends watched the women they were all slowly falling for. A few minutes later Kara was starting a fire up and preparing to make some food. "What are you doing?" Lena asked. "Starting dinner. Wanna help?" Kara asked. "Sure..what do I need to do?" Lena asked. "Well not much now, I've got everything in the pan. You can keep me company if you like?" Kara replied. "I think I can do that." Lena replied.

Over by the horses Alex and Sam were make small talk about different things. "So do you take all the girls up here or am I just special?" Sam asked. "Technically speaking...we take everyone up here...however you are the first guest I've enjoyed spending time with." Alex replied. "That true Miss Danvers? Cause to hear your sister tell it you and Maggie get all kinds of action from your guests...and yet here I stand flirting with you and not getting any action..." Sam groaned. Alex leaned in and whispered. "Maybe that's because I want to take things slowly with you Sam...you're different then the other people we have stay here...I find it intriguing and nerve racking at the same time...so forgive me for not making a move on you...yet..."

Over by the tents sat Maggie and Andrea who were talking amongst themselves as well. "What will we be doing tomorrow?" Andrea asked. "Fishing, there's a river in walking distance of here. We'll teach you the basics of the sport and be beside you till you catch a fish. It's a very hands on experience..." Maggie stated. "Well Miss Danvers's be as hands on as you like...I won't complain." Andrea whispered.

Back at the camp fire Lena is now snaking her arm around the blonde cowgirl as she stirred the chili. "This smells amazing!" Lena whispers. "Thank you darling. In my sack there's some dishes. Would you mind getting them out for me please?" Kara asked. Lena nodded and began pulling out the plates, silverware, and mugs and sat them on the makeshift table. "Thank you." Kara replied as Lena sat down again beside her. "I think my friends are working their way into your sister's hearts..." Lena said as they looked around the campsite.

"Who knows they may end up marrying them." Kara replied softly. "And what about me? Am I just getting left without my own Danvers's sister?" Lena asks looking at Kara with nothing but love in her green eyes. "Why Miss Luthor...are you hinting at something? Or are you trying to get something out of me?" Kara asked with a smirk. "Oh...Kara...you don't think I can't get information out of you? You silly cowgirl...I can and I will get information out of you." Lena coos with a smile. Kara leans in and steals a quick kiss before standing up to call everyone to dinner.

Slowly everyone sits around the campfire with a dish of chili in their hands and a mug of coffee sat on the ground in front of them. "This is really good!" Andrea states taking a big bite. "Thanks...Lena helped a little." Kara teases. "Hey! I stirred it!" Lena groaned. "Oh I bet you did Lee!" Sam jokes causing Lena to blush and look down. "Eat up everyone! It'll be dark soon and we need time to clean camp up." Alex announces.

A little while later Kara is stomping out the last embers of the fire when she feels two arms wrap around her waist. "Hey Lee..." Kara whispers. "Hey darling, everything all set?" Lena asks.  "Yea...I was just headed to the tent when you caught me." Kara replies. "Oh... I caught you? Well then..I have to keep you now. Those are the rules aren't they? 'Finders keepers?' Well I found you...so I get to keep you." Lena replied with a smile. "I don't mind being caught and kept by you Lee. Not one bit. Now come on let's get to bed." Kara whispered as she turned around and picked Lena up causing her to squeal.

The sound caused four heads to peek out of their tents with smiles gracing their faces. "Lena's definitely not leaving here." Sam and Andrea stated. "You think she'll stay?" Alex and Maggie asked. "Oh definitely! She's completely in love with Kara. And it's easy to see Kara is deep in love with her too." Sam replied. "Come on let's leave them alone." Andrea chimed in as she pulled Maggie back inside their tent.

Back in Lena and Kara's tent the two of them were in the midst of kissing one another when they heard noises coming from the other two tents. "Well..that was quick!" They both said together. "Yea.. looks like you may be right Lee..." Kara whispered as she leaned into kiss Lena again. This kiss was filled with a searing passion that made their skin burn. "I..." Lena whispered. "What?" Kara asked gasping for air. Lena sat back on the sleeping bag unsure of what to say. "Kara...I think.." Lena began again. "Yes Lee? What is it?" Kara asked hesitantly. Suddenly the conversation soon ended when there was a loud thud coming from outside the tents. "Stay here! Don't move! And don't come out no matter what you hear! Ok?" Kara snaps. Lena nods slowly as she watches Kara exit the tent holing a flashlight and her rifle.

Alex and Maggie emerge from their tents in similar fashion. Lights flood the campsite as they look for what made the noise. Suddenly Kara's hand shoot's up as she points to a bear emerging from the tree line. "Shhh!" Everyone whispered as they put their guns in position. "Kar...you got a shot?" Alex whispers. "Yep! Taking it now!" Kara calls as she sneaks around a tree not realizing she snapped a branch causing the large beast to turn towards her as it began charging at her. The gun went off and the bear dropped two feet away from the blonde cowgirl. By now everyone was out of their tents. Lena watched helplessly as the bear charged at Kara while Sam and Andrea held her back from running at toward the animal to distract it. When the bear fell Lena screamed out before taking off.

Lena came running over to Kara and all but jumped into her arms tackling her to the ground just in front of the dead grizzly. Kara looked up at the raven haired woman in shock. "Kara Danvers! Don't ever do that again! You hear me! You scared me half to death when you went running out of that tent! Then you sneak around the damn animal! You could have been eaten! You could have been mauled! You could have been stuck in the hospital for months!" Lena yelled. "Lena...I'm..." Kara stammered. "NO! You are not fine! You almost died! That bear could have gone after you! I just met you! And I am not ready to loose you to some fucking bear! I'm not...I'm not ready to loose the woman I love to a fucking wild animal!" Lena whispered the last words in hopes no one would hear them.

Maggie, Andrea, Alex and Sam all stood there shocked at what just happened. No one dared speak a word. "I'll call the ranger station..." Maggie whispered to Alex who nodded slowly. Lena clung to Kara for dear life as they lay there in the dirt. Lena's tears soaked through Kara's tank top. "It's ok Lee..come on...let's get you back to the tent..." Kara whispered as she passed her gun to her sister before picking Lena up into her arms.

Kara lay Lena down on the sleeping bag as Alex lay the rifle just inside the tent before zipping it back up again. "Let's give them some space. Everyone back the tents." Alex stated as everyone disappeared again. Back inside Kara and Lena's tent Kara held the sobbing woman in her arms as tears fell from her green eyes. "Lee...it's ok...I'm here...I'm still alive...I'm not going anywhere I promise." Kara whispered. "But...that bear..it was heading directly towards you...I just saw your body...dead on the ground...I can't...I...love you Kara...I don't want to loose you..." Lena whispered. "I love you too Lee..I'm never gonna leave you. You ok to sleep now darling?" Kara asked softly. Lena nodded as Kara pulled the sleeping bag over them Lena clung to the blonde for dear life as they fell asleep that night.

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