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Everyone congratulated the newly engaged couple. Lena and Kara continued dancing the night away before they slipped away. "Where are we going?" Lena asked as they walked along. "To our new house. It's almost complete...and I thought you'd want to take a look at it. Get a sense of how we should decorate it." Kara stated. "Of course! Is it ok though?" Lena asked. "Of course it is darling, it's our house. Come on darling." Kara said ushering her towards the door. "It's beautiful!" Lena said eyeing the outside. "Thanks...I told mom a plain white outside would be ok, that way we can change it later if we want." Kara replied.

Kara opened the door to their house and pulled Lena into the house. The main level was opened up in a large living room with a  fireplace in the center of the room. "Kara! This is absolutely amazing!" Lena cooed. "I'm glad you like it. I was thinking we'd put a large sofa here so we could sit and watch the fire dance, while we sipped coco in the winter time." Kara stated. Lena looked at the large windows in the living room that looked out over the fields she could imagine playing out there with their children one day.

"This is the kitchen. I made sure it was large so we could both cook together." Kara explained. "I love it. It's absolutely amazing." Lena replied as she looked over the white tiles, the large oven, the beautiful fridge, the beautiful oak cupboards. "This is the doorway to the pantry, and it'll hold the large freezers too." Kara explained. "I like that. What's in this room?" Lena asked pointing to another door off the kitchen. "This is the laundry room, slash mud room. I was thinking this would be a nice place to enter the house in the winter so our boots won't track the snow in." Kara replied.

"That's a good idea. Now....where is our room?" Lena asked. "This way...up the stairs." Kara explained. Together they walked up the stairs together. "First I'd like to show you the spare rooms, where our future children will be." Kara replied. "Alright.." Lena replied as they walked down the hallway. The doors were opened revealing large rooms, Lena walked into each of them and took them in.

"Each has their own bathroom attached to it, with a bath tub and shower, along with large walk in closets." Kara stated. "Wow! You really put a lot of thought into this haven't you?" Lena asked. "Yes, I have. I wanted it to be absolutely perfect for us. Now...this is our room." Kara stated as she pushed open the door revealing a really large room. It had floor to ceiling windows, and a bookshelf on one wall. "A bookshelf?" Lena asked. "Yea...I remember you like to read a lot...so I had a bookshelf added into the wall. However this isn't all of the house...I have a few more surprises for you." Kara explained as they entered the bathroom.

There was a large shower with multiple sprayers, a large sunken in bathtub, and an extremely large closet with shoe racks and hat racks. "Kara...this is too much." Lena groaned. "No...it's just right. This is gonna be our family home, if there's anything you'd like to add or change we can...but first let me show you the rest of the house and the surprise." Kara pleaded. "Ok..ok..I haven't seen anything I want to change." Lena replied with a smile.

Back downstairs Kara leads Lena to the other side of the large house where there's a set of double doors. "Whats in here?" Lena asked. "Your surprise. Close your eyes please." Kara replied. Lena shut her eyes and put her hands over them as Kara opened the doors. She felt herself being lead into the room slowly. "Ok..open them." Kara whispered. Lena slowly removed her hands and opened her eyes. Gasping at what she saw she stepped back. "KARA! It's all bookshelves!" Lena exclaimed. "I know...I had it designed it that way. I thought it would be nice to have a room dedicated to your love of books, I think we'd add a couple sofas in here and some lamps, make it homey. Maybe one of our children will have your love for books....I can already see you in here reading to them." Kara whispered. "Kara...I love you...I love this house...I can't wait to move in here and start making babies." Lena whispered as she wrapped her arms around the blonde kissing her lips.

Falling...The Danvers...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora