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I rush out of the gym eager to talk to Maddie but I don't think I make it in time. The fresh breeze hits me and I turn to my left and see Amy.

This girl has asked me out about 50 times and I have said yes once but then all she wanted to do was fucking hook up.

I see her walking over as I am about to walk away. "Whats up." I put on a smile.

She runs a hand down my arm. "Hey Harvey. Just wanted to know if you wanted to go out later?" She keeps her hand on my bicep.

Fuck no.

I brush her hand off me. "So sorry but no thanks."

She furrows her eyebrows. "Why the fuck not?"

"Because I don't want too." I shrug. She crosses her arms. "Is it cause of that bitch Maddie?"

"Don't fucking talk about her like that." I snap.

"I thought you guys hated each other I wish it fucking stayed that way." She brushes her hair off her shoulder.

"Well sucks to suck bye." I walk off on her and I can hear her call out my name.

I don't even know what that fucking means but see if I care.

I get in my car and go to turn on the radio when my mom calls. I put her on the speaker and I can hear her sniffle.

No. Fuck.

"Hey mom, you alright?" I ask. She takes a second to respond. "Of course sweety, just making sure you are on your way home."

"Yeah I am why is everything okay?"

"Of course my darling. But uh." She stutters for a sec. "Just, when you get home do you mind looking after the kids I have somewhere to go." She says.

"Yeah sure. Where are you going?"

I wouldn't normally care, but hearing her voice crack, and her sniffling made me worry.

"Just out with some friends. Haven't seen them in a while." She swallows.

I turn left onto the next street. "Okay, are you sure mom?" I pause for a second. "I don't want you to take this the wrong way mom, but are you going to see dad?" I ask.

She sighs. "Honey no. It's all good. I promise. I love you so much." She says.

I don't believe that.

"I love you to mom see you soon." I say and she hangs up and I find myself racing home.

I open the front door and my mom sits on the couch with her stuff in her hands. "Hey mom." I turn and face her on the couch and she gets up.

I notice a light bruise on her temple.

"Mom?" I pull on her arm to inspect the bruise. "Yes darling?" She smiles.

It has been covered in makeup. She has done that before.

"Mom what happened?" I ask.

Her eyes swell up with tears and she blinks them away. "I promise I am okay." She puts on a smile.

"Mom just tell me please." I follow her to the door. "I love you darling." She shuts it quickly and I hear the kids call out my name.

"Fuck." I mumble under my breath before walking to the kids bedrooms.

"Whats up Gigi?" I ask. I move away some of her curly brown hair. "Where mommy going?" She asks.

"She's going to see some friends, she will be home soon." I kiss her forehead and open the door.

That one trip to ItalyWhere stories live. Discover now