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Today we are going out with Harvey's group and mine. Don't ask because I have no idea. Nate and Olivia planned it and somehow we are doing it.

We are going to some laser tag place not far away. Harvey and Nate are gonna come pick up Liv and I, then Bella and Avery are going with Xander.

Ave and Xander have been getting closer lately and she has been in the best mood.

"I think they are nearly here." Olivia puts her phone down and walks over to my desk fixing her makeup.

I put on a pair of low waisted jeans and a black singlet. Olivia puts on a denim mini skirt with a backless beige top.

"Hotties." She looks at us in the mirror and puts her black sunglasses on.

I hear someone knock on the door. "I think they are here."

I take my sambas quickly tying them up before walking down the stairs.

"Hey." Nate kisses Olivia.

"You look gorgeous." He tells her.

A huge smile spreads on her face.

"Okay stop flirting." Harvey rolls his eyes. His gaze comes to me when he looks me up and down slowly, a smirk forming on his face.

I try my hardest not to look at him as I grab my shoulder bag and walk out the door.

We arrive and Bella and Avery are talking to Xander at a table. "Thought we should eat first." Avery opens a menu.

Harvey's eyes find mine and he gives me what seems like 'have you eaten' look.

I ignore it and go sit down Harvey following me.

This man is like obsessed.

I mean I don't mind.

Harvey leans in closer to me. "Have you eaten today?"

No. "yes." I give him a smile and he nod his head.

I turn my gaze to the conversation happening with Bella Olivia and Nate. "Shut the hell up Nate, you know nothing about this topic." Bella scoffs.

"Bitch." he says under his breath.

"What did you just say?" She snaps.

He crosses his arms. "You know what I said."

"Olivia get your man under control." Bella leans into her chair.

"Both of you can both just shut up." She rolls her eyes. She turns her direction to me. "What are you thinking of eating Mads?" She asks.

I take a quick glance at the menu. "I don't know yet." It is basically just full of fried food and pizza with a few salads.

I haven't eaten today I should be okay. I shut my eyes for a quick second trying my hardest to block out the thoughts that buzzed through my mind.

"Bro I am going to eat so much I am such a fattie." Xander looks through the menu.

Bella gives him a look. "okay, I literally didn't ask."

"Your in a mood Bella." Xander messes up her hair.

"Yeah my fucking Italian man blocked me dumb bitch." She crosses her arms.

I trace the outline of the menu. When the waiter approaches, I feel a knot in my stomach. "What can I get everyone?" the waiter politely asks.

Everyone orders and it comes to my turn. My eyes dart back and forth from the different food options trying to calculate the ones with the least calories.

"Hi, can I get the Caesar salad please." I smile and they write down my order.

I promise it isn't because it is a salad. I know it tastes so good and I will enjoy it.


Once we eat we all head over to the laser tag area. We walk into a dark room lit with red LED lights, and an instructor walks in.

"Alright welcome to laser tag. You will be in two teams. I honestly don't give a fuck just give me the names so I can put it on the screen and here are your laser guns and vests." He points to a wall and continues "Blue for one team red for the other." He sounds very bored.

I nod my head and we all turn to each other to choose teams. It is an odd number but we end up going Harvey, Nate and Olivia on one team and Me, Bella, Xander and Avery on the other.

When we walk into the dark room there are walls slightly lit up with coloured LEDS and different hallways everywhere.

Avery, Xander Bella and I figure out a strategy and when the buzzer goes off without hesitation we all go our different ways.

I grip onto my laser gun as I duck between different blocks and walls. I see a figure with a red stripe on their vest and I immediately shoot at them. "Fuck me." I hear them groan and I let out a laugh.

The aim was to get twenty points before the other team, and I am fucking competitive.

I keep walking until I see Xander on the floor. "What the hell are you doing?" I look down at him.

"I'm dead." He grumbles.

"Xander you idiot you can still play."

He gets up and scoffs. "Wow thank you for ruining my dead acting skills."

"Oh okay." I see someone and I walk right by him. I look at the score board and it is twelve to fourteen we are down by two points.

I see Olivia's figure and I hear her laughing. I shoot her and she yells. "For fucks sake Maddie."

A few minutes later I take a look at the score and it is 19 draw and I am freaking determined to win.

I duck down when I see someone. I get back up and go to turn the corner when a familiar warm pair of hands wrap around my waist pulling me against them.

I turn my head slightly and look up to see Harvey. I groan when Nate appears with his laser gun pointed straight at my vest.

"Sorry Maddie." They both laugh and shoot me.

"You little shits." I look up at the score board and they have won.

We take our vests off and make it to the carpark.

Harvey comes over with a smug grin plastered on his face. "Nice shooting out their Harvey." My tone laced with sarcasm. "Guess you finally managed to hit something other than the wall that was lucky." I shrug.

He swings his keys around his finger. "Oh, come on, you know it had nothing to do with luck it's all about skill and strategy."

"Oh, is that so? Maybe I just let you win to boost your ego." A smirk tugs at the corner of my lips.

He places a hand over his heart. "Ouch Mads, that hurts. But you know I earnt that fair and square." He teases.

"Sure, sure whatever helps you sleep at night champ." I joke not being able to hide the smile on my face.

"Well don't worry Maddie, I will be basking this glory for weeks." He puts an arm around my shoulder, and I nearly freeze.

"Yeah, yeah keep dreaming just wait till the next time we play." I walk away from him to open the car door.

"Bring it on Mads, I'll be waiting to crush your hopes and dreams once again." He follows me and gets in the car

I roll my eyes and shove the back of his chair.

Why was bickering with him so much fun.



That one trip to ItalyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang