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Today is the day we have to present our history projects.

And can I just say Asher has gotten on my freaking nerves.

He is so touchy.

"Alright we ready to present?" Asher puts a arm around my chair

"Yep I think so." I write our names on the bottom on the poster.

"Cool, so I reckon you stand there and look pretty, and I will present it."

What the fuck.

"Excuse me?" I gasp.

"Oh, most girls love when I say that." He shrugs.

Okay I will admit, I hate presenting in front of the class. But now that Asher said it I will be up there talking.

"No I want to talk as well." I cross my arms.

"Of course Baby." He plays with the end of my hair.

The thought of that man calling me baby caused goosebumps to form all over my skin.

Why the hell is he playing with my hair.

"Okay now for Maddie and Asher." Our teachers leans back in her seat waiting for us to come up.

He stands to close for my liking so I take a step away.

I give a quick nod to Asher and he begins to speak. "Hey everyone, we are going to be doing a presentation on the ancient world of Egypt." He claps his hands together.

He holds up our poster and I click of the first slide on the screen. A beautiful picture of The Great Pyramid of Giza.

"Okay so, our today we are going to be talking about these iconic pyramids, the marvels of engineering that have made these pyramids stay in place. As well as the structures and the power of the Ancient Egyptians." I smile.

Asher continues. "But Egypt was not just the land of pyramids. It was a civilization with culture and religion."

I accidentally tune out when dark blue eyes catch mine. Harvey stares at me smirking.

The contact doesn't break till Asher nudges my shoulder telling me to continue. "Oh yes sorry." I say flustered.

We keep going till we come to and end. "And that is all, thank you all for listening." Asher wraps an arm around me and I quickly walk to my desk.

The class has a light applause and I know nobody was listening. But that is okay cause same.


At lunch the girls sit on a table chatting about some party that happened the other night.

Xander, Nate and Harvey come walking over. Xander wraps an arm around Avery. "Whats up guys." Nate takes a seat with Olivia and Harvey takes a seat next to me.

"We are talking about that party the other night." Bella puts her hands on the table.

"Oh yeah it was wild. Cops came and everything." Nate takes a bite of Olivia's food.

She smacks him in the arm. "Yeah, Mads your brothers were they right? They had to get a talking to with the police."

"Yeah but apparently that happens a lot." I roll my eyes. "Oh god." Bella laughs.

"Alright well we were just wondering if you wanna go to the lake with us?" Harvey's gaze falls on me.

He quickly looks around the table waiting for a response. "Hell yeah." Bella smiles.

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