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"Bella needs help." Bella says from Olivia's vanity. Olivia goes over and helps while I put on my shoes.

I wear a white mini skirt with a white top a beige shoulder bag and some beige cowboy boots.

Avery lays on the bed her shoes hanging off but she abruptly gets up. "Their here."

"Everyone ready?" Olivia throws a bag over her shoulder opening the door.

"Fuck no." Bella gets up quickly pulling her hair back. "Take your time they can wait." Avery giggles opening the door.

Once Bella picks up her bag we all head out. Harvey and Nate are leaning against Harvey's car and Xander is against him.

"Lets go already." Nate nudges Harvey to the car but his eyes stays on mine as his body trails down my body.

I feel my cheeks heat up and I look down as I open the car door. Like usual, Liv, Nate Harvey and I are in a car and Ave, Bells and Xander are in the other.

"Well it took you fucking long enough." Nate turns his gaze to Olivia.

"Yeah well it takes a while to look this hot." She teases. "You always look stunning." He gives her a soft smile and her cheeks turn a light shade of pink.

"How long is the drive?" I ask crossing my legs. "40 minutes." Harvey's eyes connect with mine through the rearview mirror. I nod and go onto my phone scrolling through it.

"Are we there yet?" Olivia asks. I look out the window and see the diner 5 minutes away from her house. "Olivia we just got in the car." I laugh and she groans. "I already feel sick."

"Don't fucking throw up in my car." Harvey says from the front seat. "Shush I won't." Olivia crosses her arms.

I open my bag and take out some medicine to help with the pain. "Here Liv." I hand it her and her face lights up. "You are actually my savour I love you." She gets out her plastic bottle and swallows the tablet.

I steal a glance at Harvey. He is in a dark green shirt that tightens around his biceps. My eyes follow down his muscly arm till I reach his veiny hands. A ring sits on his middle and index finger that is so fucking hot what.

I need to stop.

"Nate you still convinced the Badgers will win the playoffs?" Harvey uses his hand to spin the steering wheel.

"Fuck yeah you wait and see they are gonna come back."

Olivia giggles resting a hand on his shoulder. "You say that every year babe." Nate shoots her a look. "I am right. They will win."

"Dream on buddy." Harvey chuckled. "Fuck off Harvey." Nate crosses his arms.

"Someone's a bit mad." Harvey teases. Nate just shakes his head getting on his phone. "Oh my god Mads I forgot to tell you but there is gonna be a scout at our grannie!" Olivia grins.

I gasp. "No fucking way really?"

"Yes Coach told me yesterday."

"That's so good." My smile widens.


We arrive and there is so many people. "I am itching for a drink." Bella looks around the crowd of people.

"Well one of the bands start soon so we can get a drink then head to the stage." Avery points in the direction on the bar.

We all walk on over and a bartender around our age serve us. "Whats up what can I get for you?" He wipes down the tables. We order our drinks and wait patiently for them to come. "Have you been to this festival before?" His eyes scatter between us all.

That one trip to ItalyWhere stories live. Discover now