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Blue is her fucking colour.

I know I shouldn't even be thinking that I don't know what is wrong with me. But just something about her, I can never shake off.

I walk back over to my friends laughing. I turn to see her laughing with her friends. Her hair is soaked but I know she secretly loved it.

My friends and I walk over to the food truck to get some drinks. "Hey just 1 soda please." I smile at the lady. She looks around our age. She looks me up and down. "No problem." She smiles.

I hand her the cash and walk off to the sand.

I take a seat on the sand and Amelia comes strutting over. "hey." She joins me on the sand. "What's up." I smile.

"So, I saw you with Maddie, is she like your girlfriend or something?" She asks.

Something in me wanted to say yes. I have already had 4 girls ask if they wanna do something with me this trip and I feel horrible declining, and I know I shouldn't get into things with girls if I don't have feelings for them.

"Yes." I blurt out.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

Why the hell did I say that?

"I mean no."

She gives me a look. "Oh, so it's a secret?" "No." I say. "Don't worry Harvey I won't tell anyone." She winks.

I end up just nodding and she walks away. What did I just put myself into?

How do I tell Maddie this?

Maddie sits against the tree reading.

"What's up." I say walking towards her. She looks up at me and goes back to reading.

I sit next to her.

"What do you want?" She turns to me. "So, I need some help." I explain.

"Oh god, what is it." She slams her book shut. "Well, so four girls have already asked me out this trip."

"Oh, I knew you were a player, but not this bad." She laughs. "I am not." I fight back.

"Just keep telling me what you need help with." "So uh, you know Amelia?"

"Yes, the pick me." She immediately covers her mouth.

"Don't tell her I said that." She whispers.

"Okay, but so I kinda told her that we were together secretly."
Her mouth drops. "Why the hell would you say that?" She whisper yells.

"It was an accident." I say in defeat.

"Okay well we are not so just tell her that?" She shrugs.

"Well yeah the thing is, she thinks it's a secret and it kinda means I don't have to say no to anyone this trip."

"Oh my god Beckett, I am not dating you." She rolls her eyes. "I know." I groan.

"Then what do you want?" She runs her hands through her hair. "Just like if someone asks, just say yeah we kinda are."

"Harvey, none of this adds up. You're telling me you can't handle rejecting all those girls on your own, so now you want me, the person you hate, to step in and play the role of your girlfriend? This is insane." She looks at me puzzled.

Is it bad that that is the answer?

"Well yeah it kinda is what is happening." I tell her.

"Oh god no Harvey."

"Well, this saves you from getting kidnapped." "Well, you saved me anyway."

"What if I make you a deal." I plead.

"What is that deal?"

"Well first off, this will make your ex jealous, second I will get you court side tickets to all my games."

"Harvey you are in high school court side tickets aren't hard to get." She scoffs.

She has a point.

"Just hear me out. You and I both know we are not exactly each other's biggest fans, but that's precisely why this could work. If we were to fake date, it would send a message to everyone I'm off the market. Plus, it would give you a break from the unwanted advances you might be dealing with too."

She nods and I continue.

"I am not asking for anything beyond appearances, we keep it low-key, just to convince people we are a couple. In return, I will owe you one. Need help with a project? I'm there. Want access to some event? Done. Whatever it is I will do it."

I take a breath. "So, are you in?"

"I can't believe I am agreeing to this nonsense, I am only in it for the perks, and to get Isaac mad."

"It is only for this trip, you think I wanna do this with you when I get back home?" I inform her.

"Yeah, you better not." She fiddles with the bracelets on her wrists.

"God I can't believe I have to act like I love you." She sighs.

"You think I wanna do the same?"
"This was your idea buddy."

I ignore her last comment. "Okay so how are we gonna do this?" I ask.

"No kissing." She says first.

"Well yeah." I reply.

"We can just act kinda close when In front of people okay, now go, I am reading." She flicks me away.

What the hell am I doing?


I'm not sure how to feel about this chapter, but I do know it is gonna get interesting.

That one trip to Italyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें