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I head to next period when I hear Noah's voice. "What's up." I turn around to see him.

"Are you going to Williams party tonight?" He asks.

I turn around the corner. "Yep, you?"

"Yep." We both go separate ways.

"Mads." I hear him call out.

I turn around.
"Isaac is gonna there so be careful alright."

I nod. "Thanks."

That is so sweet of him.

I walk into English smiling but my face drops when Harvey is waiting for me. "Hey Harv." I tease.

He gives me a look. "Hey Mads." He says sarcastically.

I give him a small nudge in the arm. "Don't call me that."

"Oh, you know you love it." He smirks.

"Oh, you know I don't." I smile back and unroll our poster.

I write our names on the bottom of the page and I could feel him watching. "What." I turn to face him.

"Nothing, I just think I did a good job with the handwriting." He says proudly.

I can't help but laugh and his proud smile turns into a glare.

"Fuck you." He rolls his eyes.

Our teacher comes over and I hand up our work. "Wow I'm surprised."

"You didn't think we could do it?" Harvey's jaw flexes and he leans back into his chair.

"Honestly no. I was wondering what you two would do." She chuckles.

"Well, we did it didn't we?" He scoffs. "Yeah, well done." She nods and takes our work.

"Hate her." He scowls.

"Harvey it's fine I would be surprised too." "Yeah right." He takes out his phone and scrolls through it.

What's up with that?

I turn to Liv who gives me a look. I shrug and go back to open my history homework because I freaking forgot to do it again.

At the end of class I walk over to Nate and Liv. "Hey Nate, do you know what was up with Harvey?"

He turns is head around to look for people. "He's alright. Just his dads tough on him you know, says he can't do anything. He doesn't talk about it much."

I feel my heart sink for Harvey Beckett.

"That's terrible." I say.

"I know right." Nate wraps his hand around Olivia's waist.

I see her cheeks heat up.

"Oh Mads!" Liv speaks up. "Are you going to the party tonight?" She asks.

"Yeah, I needa find something to wear." I think. "No same." She giggles as she leans her head on Nates shoulder.

"Who are you getting a ride with?" She asks concerned.

"Oh well maybe Bells if she is going, otherwise I'll catch a lift with Noah."

She nods. "You can join us if you need." I smile. "Thanks."


I dab on some blush and pick up the pace as it is already 7pm. "Mads now or I am leaving." I hear Noah say from the door.

I open it. "I'll ask Levi or Jackson."

"Jacksons back at campus and Levi's out."

I groan. "Okay fine one sec." I rush to my desk and apply some lipgloss and pull my hair out of the bun.

That one trip to ItalyWhere stories live. Discover now