438 10 8

Today is our volleyball semis and I am fucking shaking.

"Mads you ready?" Olivia walks into the lockers pulling her hair silky brown hair into a ponytail.

She sits down on the bench. "Maddie have you eaten?" she hands me a container filled with fruit.

I will burn it off when I play.

I take a slice of apple. "Thank you." She gives me a smile and sets it down on the bench.

The crowd is not as big as the basketball but there is still a decent amount of people here. I look around and my gaze finds Harvey who sits near the front row his legs spread and his arms crossed.


I give him a smile and he smirks. The buzzer drags my attention from him, and I get ready to play.

I take a deep breath and when the next buzzer goes off the ball goes flying into the air.


Fuck she is beautiful.

I cannot take my eyes off her.

The ball gets thrown into the air and she goes to hit it. I could see the intensity in her eyes and how focused on the game she was.

I knew she was competitive, but it really shows in the game It is pretty hot.

Olivia hits the ball over and the other team goes for it but misses.

"That's my girl!" Nate claps his hands together.

All the girls go and cheer on Olivia and then get back into the game.

As the match continues I find myself cheering on Maddie every time she hits the ball.

Xander taps me in the shoulder a couple time and turns to my friends. "I think someone has a little crush."

Asher laughs. "Oh man I was gonna go for her but go you."

"Shut the fuck up." I say, my eyes still fixated on Maddie.

Oh crap I am fucking falling for Maddie Ford.


Halftime has passed and we are on the last 10 minutes.

Maddie goes for a powerful spike, but as she landed I see her ankle twist and she falls hard on her body.

A loud gasp echoed through the gym as players and spectators held their breath.

Fuck crap shit fuck.

My heart races as I watch her stand back up. I know she is pain, but she tells her coach she is fine, and she keeps playing.

5 minutes remain on the clock and it is a fucking close game. I watch Mads push through the pain but gosh I can see the pain in her eyes.

A broken ankle can take her out for the rest of the season, oh god I really hope it isn't.

She goes for a spike and lands on her foot. She grabs onto her foot, and I can see her trying her hardest to push through.

I let out a sigh of relief as the crowd erupts in cheers. They won. I stand up and cheer them on.

I watch them all huddle into a group hug cheering. Maddie walks into it awkwardly trying to hide her limp.

I follow Nate down the stairs and Olivia runs up and jumps into Nates arms.

Maddie turns around and I see her brothers run up to her cheering her on. No one seems to notice but I can see her smiling through the misery.

I decide not to bother her as she is with her family, and I will talk to her later.

After talking to a few of my friends I walk out to my car swinging my keys around my fingers and I see Maddie limping to her car.

"Maddie." I wrap my arm around her. "Thanks." She lets out a laugh.

"Congrats today!" I grin.

"Thank you it was stressful." She laughs

I smile. "Why didn't you tell anyone about your ankle?"

She lets out a sigh. "Oh so it was that obvious huh." She laughs but continues. "I just don't want to get taken off." She shrugs.

"I understand but Mads it can get worse."

She nods and I lead her to my car. "Let me at least tap it up for you."

I open my trunk up and I help her up. She laughs. "You got those chocolates again?"

"Do you want them?" I ask. "No, I am good." She gives me a big smile.

I take out the tap and I bend down in front of her.

"This is fucking swollen." I look up at her and she bites her lip worried. "Don't tell me I will be out for the final." She flinches a slight bit as I wrap up her ankle.

"I won't, but you should tell someone about this." I stand back up. "I know." She gets back down.

"I'm sorry." She looks up at me and I have only realised how close we are together.

"Maddie don't be sorry." She is so fucking gorgeous it makes me crazy.

She looks up at me with her hazel eyes. My hand lightly goes up and down her back and I nearly smirk at her reaction.

A slight shiver goes down her spine and fuck I wanna kiss her.

But I know for a fact she doesn't want that. I don't want this to get weird.

I take a step back. "So Mads, me and the guys are going to the beach this weekend do you and your friends wanna come?" I swallow.

She takes a minute to think before quickly taking a slight step back. "Yeah of course." She smiles.

"Alright cool. I will text you the details." I put my hands in my pockets.


guys please let me know if these chapters are to short


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