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I sign my name down for the Italy trip.

I can't even explain how excited I am.

We are going to freaking Italy for school.

Because we are seniors, we are doing a school trip to Italy to celebrate our last year. I cannot wait.

I read the information on the board. We get three days with the teachers to go to museums and the big tourist destinations. Then three days to be alone and explore.

Oh my god this is gonna be so good.

I feel a tall body standing next to me.

"You excited?" Harvey's deep voice says as he writes his name down. "Now I'm not." I groan.

"Oh, come on, we can share a bed if you want." He smirks. I elbow him in the stomach. "Don't even start."

He chuckles. "I'll see you later." "I hope not." I grunt.

Olivia comes running over and gives me a spin. "Nate just asked me on a second date." She squeals.

"Oh my gosh yay!" I give her a big hug and she screams. "I actually like him so much."

"That's so good Liv." I smile. "He said I can choose what we do." She giggles. "I reckon I take him mini golfing and see what he is like competition wise." She thinks.

I laugh at all her ideas as we walk down the hallway. "Oh my god. I hope we get to share a bed on the Europe trip." She gives me a look.

"Olivia!" I laugh. "Sorry, sorry."

We both try and calm down our laughter as we walk into English.

I follow Olivia as she finds a spot next to Nate.

"Hey." She smiles at him, and he gives her a kiss on the cheek.

Shut up their so cute.

I go and sit next to her and fiddle with my pen as they chat away. Then an unexpected person comes and sits next to me.

"Oh hell no." I turn and see Harvey. "You think I want to sit here?" He snaps.

"Then sit somewhere else?" I snap back.

"Nah I am here for Nate." He nods his head over to Nate.

"He looks pretty busy." I look over at him and Liv chatting.

He turns to look for another seat but of course there is none left. I groan. "Fine but just stay silent, okay?"

"You think I wanna talk to you?" He looks over at Nate, but he was too busy with Liv.

"Well Nate is busy, and I know you can't keep that noisy mouth shut." I reply.

We go silent when the teacher starts talking about some English thing.

I open my book and try to read. But Harvey keeps poking me with a pencil.

"Are you serious?" I turn my head to him, and he snickers. "Let me read I am bored." He whispers.

"Then listen to the teacher." I look up but she is too busy to notice us talking.

"I would rather read."

"You said you hate reading."

"Just shut up and let me read." He moves closer so he can see the pages.

Knowing he is reading with me is freaking me out.

He looks over at me as they start to kiss.

Oh shit.

That one trip to ItalyWhere stories live. Discover now