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We make our way home from Tuscany after having lunch and arrive back around 3pm. Everyone decided to have a quick nap before we go for dinner than a walk down the Arno River.

Olivia and I practically pass out when our heads hit the pillow. We slowly wake up around 5 to get ready for dinner at 6.

"I don't know what to wear." Olivia groans holding up two outfits. A white maxi dress, and a black one. "The white one. You look stunning in it."

She smiles and walks to the bathroom. I put on a white maxi skirt with a beige tube top.

She applies some blush on her cheeks. "I am nearly ready." She puts the brush back in her makeup bag.

"Take your time." I spread lip-gloss across my lips.

"Alright ready?" She zips up her makeup bag and we walk to the elevator.


We eat dinner and walk down to Arno River.

The lights reflect onto the water and it's beautiful. So many stars insight. Nate and Olivia walk in front of us holding hands and enjoying the view. I take a few snaps of them knowing she would love it when we head back to the hotel.

Harvey stands next to me in silence I can't help but make conversation. "So Harvey, do you always take your frenemies out for midnight strolls? Or is this a special occasion?" I tease.

Harvey smirks. "Consider yourself lucky. Only the one with impeccable taste of frenemies."

I roll my eyes. "Oh, thank you, truly. But do you always where that scowl? Or just for me?"

"It's my signature look Mads, just for you." He laughs.

"Ah of course."

I point to the sky. "Is that the big dipper of something?"

He squints. "Uh I think so? Or maybe it's the little dipper I'm not sure."

I laugh. "You're clearly not an expert."

His hand brushes mine. "You cannot talk."

I huff. "Okay let's just both agree we are clueless."

"Sounds good." He nods, his profile outlined by the dim light. A soft glow brightens his blue eyes and his sharp jawline cuts through the darkness.


"Maddie you wanna take a photo?" Olivia asks Maddie. She walks over to Olivia and they both smile. I stand next to Nate as he takes the photos.

She is fucking gorgeous.

"How long are we gonna be here for? Hours?" I groan and put a hand through my hair. "Shush Harvey." Maddie rolls her eyes.

After what felt like 50 years they finish taking photos but they make us four take one. Avery and Bella didn't come because they were exhausted after dinner so it was just us.

Olivia gave her phone to some guy and we all wrap our arms around each other. I wrap my arm around Maddie's waist and I see her stiffen. "Relax." I whisper to her. Her cheeks go a light shade of pink and I feel a smirk tug on my lips.

We make it back to the hotel and we begin packing as we are leaving tomorrow. As much as I do not want to leave I need to make sure my mom is okay. I have become a stress head worrying about her. "You alright man?" Nate says from his bed.

"Yeah all good." I nod to him. I get out my phone and send the pictures from today to my mom for the kids to look at. A few of the beach in Tuscany, one of Leaning Tower Of Pisa and the alleyway. I know they love the photos.


We get to to the Airport and once we check in and go through security we all sit on the chairs waiting. Nate pulls Olivia over to her and she leans on him. "I don't want this to end." She sighs.

"It has been fucking amazing." Nate kisses her head.

I go and sit next to Maddie as it is the only free spot. She sits with her air pods in and reads her book.

I am bored out of my fucking mind.

Maddie rolls her eyes watching me read her book. "Here." she hands me an air pod. "Thanks." I say quietly and put it in.

Our flight gets announced we are able to board so we all get up and walk to our gate.


I don't know how to feel about this chapter but I do love the conversations Maddie and Harvey have been having

Sorry its a pretty short chapter :( 

That one trip to Italyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें