Spinjitzu Master, Take My Soul

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AN: So... I started writing, decided to lean into Morro's sadistic and angry side, and stuff happened. A lot of stuff. I may have gone too far. We'll see. I also want to give Lloyd lasting emotional scars. I would say I succeeded. Word of warning, this might give you emotional baggage.

Lloyd laid on the floor of a cage suspended from the ceiling, feeling the hunger pains and general aches radiating through his body. His hair was dry and frizzy, and it was prickly against his forehead. His head ached, pounding with every beat of his heart. He was definitely dehydrated... he didn't remember the last time Morro had drunk water, and he had no idea how much weight he'd lost, but he knew it was an unhealthy amount.

From below him, he heard Ronin groan and collapse to the floor as Morro exited his body with a chuckle. "Pretty good impersonation. But they'll never buy it was me," the thief breathed. Morro merely smirked. "We shall see," he said. Lloyd struggled to sit up, but his body was too weak to do so. Instead, he barely managed to wriggle over to the edge of the cage. "You're no Green Ninja. The Green Ninja would never need to lie," he whispered. His voice was weak and tremulous, as if he were on his deathbed.

Morro smirked up at him. "Oh, you won't be the Green Ninja for long. Save your strength, because I'll be needing it. Prepare for a voyage. We head to the tomb at dawn," he said. Lloyd's eyes narrowed. "You can't change destiny. And destiny says that you aren't the green ninja," he said. Morro stiffened, his teeth gritting. "Ghoultar, get rid of Ronin. The rest of you, leave us," he said. Lloyd felt his stomach drop. He'd struck a sensitive nerve. Morro was insane. There was no telling what he would do.

When the other ghosts were gone, Morro thrust his arms up at Lloyd blasting the door of his cage open. Another gust, and Lloyd was plummeting towards the floor, too weak to even land on his feet. "A-Ah...!" He uttered a weak cry as he landed on his back, the impact forcing the breath from his lungs. His eyes watered as he struggled for breath that refused to come. Before Lloyd could get a taste of sweet air, Morro had his foot on Lloyd's chest. "You're wrong. Destiny can be changed. I've seen it happen," he snarled, digging his heel into Lloyd's sternum.

Lloyd felt an anger that wasn't his own rising in him. "No... you're... nothing," he wheezed, Morro's Stiixian accent creeping into his voice as he felt his face twist into a snarl. "Wipe that-" Morro kicked Lloyd across the face, sending spit and blood flying from his mouth. "-fucking look off your face," he snarled. Lloyd whimpered and brought a hand up to his mouth, but he didn't stop looking at Morro that way. In truth, he was more shaken by how he'd fallen into Morro's fury than he was by the actual blow. It helped that he knew Morro couldn't afford to kill him now... but even if he did... even if... then it wouldn't hurt anymore... would it?

That dark train of thought was knocked off the rails by Morro's foot colliding with his stomach, sending him flopping across the floor. "I. said. STOP!" Morro roared. Lloyd retched, but there was nothing in his stomach to regurgitate, the only thing coming out being blood from where he'd bitten his tongue. He struggled to move, but the pain in his stomach and utter exhaustion pervading his entire body prevented him from doing anything more than whimpering pathetically.

Morro stalked over, looming above him. "Do you know what I'm going to do to your precious friends?" He snarled. Lloyd felt a chill go down his spine. "D-don't... please don't-uaghh!" Lloyd gave a guttural cry of agony as Morro stamped into his groin, sending a wave of stabbing, burning agony and deathly nausea through his torso. "I don't want to hear your voice. Shut the fuck up and listen. You have ears, don't you!?" Morro ground his heel, eliciting a weak wail from Lloyd.

"I am going to throw Kai to the strangleweed. I am going to drag Jay into the sky and let him fall. I am going to force Cole into the harbor and let him melt. I'm going to cut Zane open and tear out whatever you call the insides of what he is." Morro hmmed softly. "Ah, and Onyx. She's special to you. My pathetic baby sister... well... since she's special, she gets a special death. Let me tell you every. Single. Detail," he said, his voice mocking. Lloyd shook his head, but didn't speak for fear of Morro causing him more pain. His silence was in vain, though. Morro snatched up Lloyd's hand, bending the fingers back just far enough that it hurt, but not far enough to break them.

"I'll snap each of her fingers, one... at... a... time...." For every word, Morro drove his ghostly nails into Lloyd's broken, sensitive ones. "Then, I'll tear out every hair on her body." He yanked and twisted Lloyd's black hair so hard he felt his scalp pop. "Then I'll cut out her eyes..." Morro didn't touch Lloyd's eyes, but he did yank at his eyelashes, making the teenager wail. "And her nose!" Morro slammed the base of his hand into Lloyd's nose, hard enough to feel it break. "Ah, shit. Well, your body will still function," he muttered, pulling his hand back as Lloyd uttered a gasp of pain and his nose began to gush with blood, mingling with the red burbling at the corners of his mouth.

Morro merely smirked at Lloyd and shoved a hand into his mouth, making him gag. "And I'll cut out her tongue. She won't be able to beg for mercy anymore. But I will leave her ears. I want her to hear every scream. Every horrified cry of "Spinjitzu Master, please." Every wail and plea." Morro wrapped his hands around Lloyd's throat and squeezing softly. Almost teasingly. "I could strangle her now... but not yet. First... she will see her insides pulled out of her stomach and strewn across the ground. And then... if she's alive.... then you can choke the life out of her." Morro smirked darkly at the look on Lloyd's face-a look of utter horror, tears of terror pooling at the corners of his eyes.

Morro leaned in, far too close to his face. Lloyd shuddered as he felt a brush of cold wind tickle his face, Almost like breath, but not quite. His body instinctively recoiled. Even if he couldn't move himself... his body was still capable of the primal need to escape this man-no... no... this unhinged demon. Morro's smile was sick now, but a different kind of sick from the one that was twisting Lloyd's stomach and welling in his throat. The sick in Morro's eyes went far beyond that of physical. Lloyd had known from the start that Morro was insane... but this was something he'd only seen in flashes.

"And the best part... well... the best part is that I won't really do this. It will be your hands. Your hands will do this to Onyx," Morro whispered. Lloyd's eyes widened, and he choked words through the blood and bile in his throat. "N-no... no. She's-Onyx is-" Morro flicked him on the broken cartilage of his nose. "What, my baby sister? No, I don't think so. The living don't have the count rules. You don't count. Unless you mean that she's your special friend. Maybe because you love her. But you can't stop me. You know you can't stop me. You were damned from the moment Destiny chose you." Morro's voice was deathly quiet, like a soft breeze drifting through a graveyard. And then he smiled.

Lloyd closed his eyes, panting shallowly from the white hot pain radiating through his entire body. His body curled in upon itself, a soft whimper escaping his mouth as he closed his eyes and prayed. 'Spinjitzu Master... please. Please.... Spare them. I don't care how. Take my soul if you must. Please, just... save them. Save Onyx. Please....'

Loyd didn't know if his grandfather heard him... but right now, the pain in his body seemed distant as the agony in his weary soul threatened to drag him down again. 'Grandfather.... Grandfather.... Please....'

Before he could fall into the terrifying, yet appealingly painless black, Morro drug him back to Earth by hitting him with a shock of cold air. "No, you don't get to pass out yet." Morro leaned forward atop Lloyd's body, right up into his face. "No, I'm not finished with you." He grabbed Lloyd by the chin, forcing his face towards his.

"Not yet."

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