Getting Shredded on the Slopes

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The next thing Onyx knew, their skiff was plummeting out of the sky and landing on a snowy slope of the Wailing Alps, shooting down it like a makeshift sled. "Ah! Why aren't we flying anymore!?" Jay shrieked. "Different realm, different rules!" Onyx cried, clinging onto the railing for dear life as they zoomed down next to Morro's ship, which had lost its own magic. "Aha! Got you now!" Kai shouted. Morro scoffed. "You really think so?" He snapped, raising his hand and blowing them in a different direction.

Zane gasped as they hurtled towards a tree at an uncontrollable speed. "Abandon ship!" He cried, voice pitching up in his terror. Onyx split off to the side of the ship, but she couldn't leap from the side in time. The sky skiff splintered into pieces of wood that went flying everywhere. Onyx was just barely able to grab ahold of a piece of wood in the rough shape of a square. She shoved it beneath her legs and kneeled down on it, basically kneeboarding down the slope. Zane shot up beside her, skiing on two boards, and Kai slid down next to them on a makeshift snowboard. Meanwhile, Jay spun around wildly, clinging onto what was left of the helm for dear life.

"Ah! Haha. Hello, haven't we met before?" Zane laughed as the four zipped up beside Morro, whose face contorted into a snarl. "Don't you ever quit?" He snarled. "Ninja never quit!" Onyx snapped at him, leaning to the side and edging closer to the skiff. "Your ride is kind of slow, huh?" Kai asked, smirking at the ghosts, only to immediately slam into a tree. Onyx winced and sucked in a sharp breath, hoping he hadn't just imploded his skull.

"Oh, why do I get the uncontrollable sled!?" Jay shrieked as he began to bump and spin wildly over moguls. Cole sighed. "Hold on, Jay!" He called, splitting off to pursue him. Kai managed to catch back up to Onyx and Zane. His mouth was bleeding, but other than that, he seemed fine. "You good?" Onyx called. "Chipped another tooth," Kai called back. "I'll take a look back on the Bounty," Zane promised. Kai nodded and reached up to his intercom. "Come in, Bounty! Come in! Hope your jets aren't cold, 'cause we're coming in hot!" He called.

There was a scuffling sound, and then Misako's voice came through the intercom. "Morro has the Sword of Sanctuary," Misako said. "And we have information," Onyx said. "Yeah, we know what Morro wants with the tomb. He's after a crystal that can unleash the Preeminent to curse the Sixteen Realms," Kai explained. Wu inhaled sharply. "Then we must work together to make sure that doesn't happen. Nya, get us into the action," he said urgently, the radios crackling into silence. Nary a minute later, the Bounty came into sight overhead, and Nya began to fire water balloons out of the canons. Cole gave a yelp as he swerved to dodge a stray one, letting it hit Jay instead.

Then, the Bounty's anchor dropped to the slope several yards ahead of them. "Need a lift?" Wu called. Onyx reached for the chain, but then noticed that Kai wasn't. "Go! I can catch them," he called. Onyx frowned. "Tch... I'll back him up!" She shouted, catching up to Kai, who cast her a frown. "You're supposed to be on the Bounty!" He cried. "And technically, I'm not even supposed to exist! Your argument is invalid," she sniped back. Kai shook his head, but Onyx could see a tiny grin flickering at the edges of his mouth.

He slid up closer to her. "I'm going to aim for the mast. When it's down, you board," Kai said. Onyx nodded. "Kapeesh," she said with a nod, leaning down and shooting forward. Morro gave a warning shout as he glanced into the sword, but seeing the future was useless if you couldn't react fast enough, and before the ghosts could do a thing, Kai had already taken out the mast and zipped up beside the ship. "You again!" Morro snarled, glaring daggers at Kai. "You say that as if it's a bad thing," Kai taunted, trying to edge closer to the ship, careful to keep Morro distracted as Onyx positioned herself to board.

Morro hissed through his teeth and thrust a gale at Kai, who yelped as he was shoved backwards. "Now!" He cried, and Onyx pushed off of her board, lunging directly at Morro. His eyes widened as she flew towards him. "You-but I didn't see-argh!" His surprised exclamation was cut off as Onyx crashed direct out into them, sending them both tumbling to the deck. They both leapt to their feet, assuming ready positions, but neither quite making a move yet.

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