Kingdom Come

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The ninja approached the Cloud Kingdom, their wonder and awe only growing the closer they got. As they drew near, the golden gate blocking off the entrance to the Kingdom slid open, and an older man walked gracefully down the steps towards them. His eyes flicked over each of them individually. Was it Onyx's imagination, or did his sharp grey eyes narrow slightly when they fell on her?

"Welcome to Cloud Kingdom. We've been expecting you," he said, his voice measured and gentle. Jay was the first to speak. "Ha, how are we-" the man interrupted him. "Standing on a cloud? Easy. In other Realms, there are other rules. I'm Fenwick. I've been asked to show you around," he said. Jay blinked, torn between being impressed and creeped out. "Nice to meet you. I'm-" Yet again, Fenwick cut Kai off. "Kai, yes, we all know. You're quite popular with the other monks. Up here, we see everything that goes on in Ninjago," he said.

"Then you know-" Fenwick stopped Cole as well. "You've traveled far for the Sword of Sanctuary, a powerful weapon that can foresee your opponent's next attack. It's also the second clue to finding the Tomb of the First Spinjitzu Master," he said. "Blimey. But how be you-" Fenwick was well on his way to interrupting the whole team as he cut off Zane as well. "Finishing your sentences? I know, it's rather annoying, but up here, we know, let's just say...we know what's going to come next. Come, I know Morro isn't far behind. Follow me, and I'll explain," he said, leading them off.

"Where are we going?" Onyx asked. Somehow, not being interrupted was creepier than him actually doing so, and that immediately put Onyx on edge. This time, Fenwick's eyes definitely narrowed. "The Library of Destiny," he said after a moment. The hospitality in his tone was ever so slightly fainter. Onyx hid her emotions carefully, but she was beginning to get the feeling Fenwick, for whatever reason, wasn't fond of her.

After a few minutes, Fenwick led them into a spacious library, the walls lined with rows upon rows of scrolls. The soft scratching of quills blended together as the writers wrote what Onyx presumed was Destiny. As the ninja trailed behind Fenwick, soft whispers swept the room as the writers' eyes all turned to them. "I know you're familiar with a few of the realms. Cloud Kingdom is just one more of the Sixteen Realms that exist parallel to Ninjago," Fenwick continued. "Sixteen Realms?" Kai murmured.

"In this realm, we strive for greater understanding and let go of distractions. There is no television, no video games-" Jay interrupted Fenwick for a change. "No video games? Hmph. Not impressed," he said. Fenwick sighed softly. "It appears all any lad does here be writing," Zane observed. "That is because here, our words matter. You see, in Cloud Kingdom, we are the Writers of Destiny. It was here that it was decided that Lloyd should be the Green Ninja. And just now, that Zane should find his voice again," Fenwick said. Zane's eyes widened. "I sense my vocal pattern has returned without any repairs," he said in his usual voice.

"Ugh! He doesn't talk like a pirate anymore," Jay whined. "How'd that happen?" Cole asked. "It was written," Fenwick said simply. A chill went through Onyx's body at his words. "So you... control our lives?" She asked, forcing her voice to remain cordial. Fenwick seemed to falter ever so slightly, though that may have been because Jay had just spilled ink all over a scroll. "Yes. Here, we control all destinies," he said. Onyx forced her expression to stay neutral, but inside, she was seething. So they'd intended for her to watch her mother die? Intended to ruin Lloyd's relationship with his father? Intended to give her a warning prophecy? Intended to kill Ori's mother too early? Onyx's jaw tightened with concealed anger.

"If you know what's going to happen next, then you know how important it is for us to get the Sword of Sanctuary," Kai said. Fenwick sighed again. "Yes, and I know you made a promise to save your friend Lloyd. Sadly, we cannot ensure promises because we aren't allowed to choose sides," he said. Then he glanced around and leaned in. "And no one else will tell you this, but we had intended for Morro to stay in the Cursed Realm," he whispered conspiratorially. Cole's eyes narrowed. "What do you mean "intended?"" He asked. Onyx frowned. "You lied. You don't control all destinies," she said.

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