I Know Those Eyes

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The ninja burst into Steep Wisdom, each shouting something different. Onyx stepped forward. "We have a problem!" She exclaimed. Misako, who was handing a bag of tea to a girl and her mother, put her hand up. "Guys, not so loud. Can't you see we have our first customer?" She said, smiling at the pair. "Wow, the real ninja! Oh, can you shock me?" The little girl exclaimed to Jay, who shook his head. "Uh...not now, kid. Maybe later, okay?" He said.

Onyx leaned towards Misako, her voice dropping to a whisper. "We need Wu immediately," she said urgently. Wu stepped through the curtain that separated the front of the store from the storage in the back. He raised his eyebrow at the ninja. "Sensei!" Kai cried, relieved. "Yes?" Wu asked. Kai started to explain. "We were getting the word out..." Cole interrupted. "and there was this wind..." Zane finished. "and our powers disappeared." Wu's brows lowered. "You were using your powers?" He snapped. Jay waved a hand. "Yeah, I know. We're terrible students, but what happened to our powers?!" He cried.

Onyx added her own thoughts. "The light is gone too. This isn't like what happened with Chen. I think something-" she was cut off by a harsh wind throwing the doors of the tea shop open. Onyx's cheeks paled as she recognized the unnaturally cold wind that had blown earlier. The cause of all this was approaching. And then she saw Lloyd. At least... it looked like Lloyd, but something was wrong. Her face went white. She knew that gait. The smooth walk with the left foot slightly angled out. 'First Spinjitzu Master, no. No no no...'

"It's Lloyd!" The little girl cried. Onyx immediately grabbed her and shoved her behind the ninja as she followed the others unsteadily into the courtyard. "I know that wind...That's not Lloyd!" Wu cried. 'Lloyd' stopped across from the ninja, eyes flicking over them and settling on Onyx, who froze. She knew those eyes so well. "Step aside," he ordered. Onyx's voice caught in her throat. That voice was so deathly familiar. Morro.

"Lloyd! What's wrong with you?" Kai cried. "I want a word with your master," Morro ordered. "Whoa, Lloyd's gone through puberty," Jay remarked. Onyx shook her head, but she couldn't get the words out. "What's gotten into him?" Cole asked. Onyx finally managed to speak. "Wrong question," she breathed. Zane nodded. "I sense some kind of foreign entity has taken over his body. So Onyx is correct. The question isn't what, but who's gotten into him?" He said. Morro Valsecchi. Onyx answered the question silently but couldn't bring herself to say it aloud.

Kai gritted his teeth. "Whoever you are, whatever beef you had with Sensei, you have with us. Give us back our friend!" He shouted. Morro tilted Lloyd's head to the side, cracking the vertebrae. "How are we supposed to fight a friend?" Cole asked. Onyx shook her head. "We need to be careful. We can't hurt him," she whispered. The figure smirked. "Let me show you!" He spat, thrusting his arms forward and flinging a blast of wind at the ninja, throwing them back.

"Great, we don't have powers, but he does?" Jay cried. Onyx hung back, watching the others dash at Morro and easily be fended off. Brute force wasn't going to work with his element. She winced internally. She'd never known he had an element. Then again, she herself hadn't known about her own until Wu had taken her in. Onyx gritted her teeth. She would need to hang back and wait for the others to make an opening that she could exploit for them to stand a chance.

She watched carefully for one to appear while the boys used Spinjitzu, to no avail, all the while slipping around the courtyard, trying to get behind Morro. "Ninja, Go! Aaaahhh! Whoa," Jay gave a cry as Morro flung him back. "Our Spinjitzu is worthless against the wind," Zane remarked, attempting to dash at Morro with one of his shurikens. "Shurikens? Cute. Try this on for size!" He shouted, using his element to throw the rotor on one of the windmills at him and the boys. While he was focusing on aiming, Onyx saw her opening.

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