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Onyx narrowed her eyes up at the flag tied to the mast. She, Kai, Jay, and Zane had been attempting to master the basics of Airjitzu for the past hour, but all of them had yet to reach the flag. Kai took another try, only to fall short again. He gave a frustrated growl and kicked his foot. Ronin, who was lying spread across one of the railings and watching, laughed. "Aww, just short. Like your temper, Kai. Or Nixy's patience," he said. Onyx raised an eyebrow at him. He knew full well she was plenty patient.

"Or any of your relationships," She called up to him. She smirked as Ronin choked on his apple. "Good to see you've still got your dad in you," he said once he'd cleared his airway. She snickered and turned back to the others. "Let me try. I'm for sure better Airjitzuer than you, Kai," Jay said, stepping underneath the flag. "Oh, yeah? And when did that happen?" Kai challenged. "Like, now!" Jay exclaimed, leaping up and spinning upwards. Onyx held her breath as Jay flew close to the flag, only to just fall short. He cried out as he tumbled back to the deck.

Kai snorted. "Oh, yeah. That was so much better than me," he scoffed. " was!" Jay cried as Onyx helped him up. "That wasn't Airjitzu, that was Failitzu," Ronin critiqued. "Or Stupiditzu," Kai snapped. Onyx raised an eyebrow at him. "What's your problem?" She asked. Kai merely rolled his eyes. She glanced at Jay, who shrugged. "To master the powers of Airjitzu, we must uplift, not put each other down, Ronin," Wu said, appearing from below deck and passing out new uniforms to the ninja.

Onyx accepted hers and immediately raised her other eyebrow at the weight of it. "You closed shop for a week. You gotta let me have some fun. Aren't Nindroids supposed to be precise?" Ronin said, taking another bite of his apple. "These new suits are heavy. Why can't we just use our old ones?" Kai complained. "These are embedded with Deepstone. They will protect you from being possessed," Wu said, shooting him a glare.

"Yeah, well, maybe the name "Airjitzu" isn't uplifting enough. Maybe we need something more inspiring, like...Cyclon-Do!" Jay cried, leaping into the air again. He did much better this time, though he zipped past the flag. "Miss. Again. Hey!" Ronin's critiquing turned to a surprised hell as Jay snatched his apple on the way back down. "Cyclon-Do. Mm," Jay laughed, taking a bite of the apple.

Onyx looked up at the flag and decided to take a turn herself. She mimicked the movements that had been written in Yang's scroll, leaping into the air and forming the orb around her, buoying herself up. She reached for the flag as she flew up. Onyx fell short by a few inches, falling back to the deck empty-handed. Ronin sighed. "Aw man. Better try again!" He called patronizingly. Onyx snatched Jay's apple and lobbed it at Ronin's head. He ducked beneath it, revealing Misako's face behind him.

Onyx gasped as Misako barely managed to dodge it. She laughed nervously. "Sorry..." She mumbled. Misako's eyes flicked from Onyx to Ronin, and she put two and two together. "It's fine, Onyx. I need all of you belowdeck. I think I've figured out the next symbol," she said. Onyx's eyes lit up. "We'll be right there," she said, following Misako below deck. "I'll get Cole and Nya," Kai said, breaking off from the group. Onyx's face slipped into a soft frown. Cole hadn't come out of his room since they'd gotten back to the Bounty.

A few minutes later, Cole and Nya entered the small room. Onyx offered him a supportive smile as he moved to stand by them. It took him a moment, but he finally returned her expression with a weak smile of his own. Misako turned on an old projector, shining its image against the wall. "Now that both Morro and you five have Airjitzu, it's time to turn our attention to the second clue, the Sword in the Cloud," she began.

"Me senses tell me it could be many a sword. Thar be the Fire Sword, the Sword of Destiny, the Golden Cutlass..." Zane said, his voice laden with a heavy pirate dialectic. Onyx frowned as her head whipped to Jay. "I thought you said you fixed his voice?" Kai whispered. Jay snickered. "I did. And then I made it better," he chortled. "...the Sword of Invisibility, the Sword of Invincibility..." he continued. "The Sword of Incredulity," Onyx added. Kai grinned. "You're right, he is better," he whispered back.

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