Past Revealed

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Onyx nervously tapped her fingers together, waiting for Kai to get back. The others had been silent since she'd gotten back, perhaps sensing the seriousness of what she had to say. After almost twenty minutes of tense silence, R.E.X. flew up by the dock and Kai hopped out, holding a small green med kit. "Thank the First Spinjitzu Master. At least Kai's okay. Tomorrow, I'll command, and we'll figure something out," Cole said, standing to greet Kai as he crossed over to them.

"Thanks for the pick-me-up," Kai called back to Ronin, who grinned and winked. "Remember what I said about second chances, and I'm gonna hold you that deal. So long, and I hope you get your friend back. See you around, Nixy!" He answered, throwing in a farewell as he flew off. Jay frowned and glanced at Onyx. "Nixy..?" He asked. Onyx shook her head. "I'll explain that too," she murmured. "Second chances? What did he mean by that?" Cole asked, brows furrowing.

"We may have lost out on the Scroll, but he thinks there may be another way to learn Airjitzu," Kai replied, sitting down and taking Onyx's hand, flipping open the first aid kit and pulling out some gauze and an iodine wipe. "We're still gonna fly?" Cole asked. "Really? Another way?" Jay exclaimed. Zane grinned, having learned by now that talking was pointless. Onyx frowned. "Hold on. Ronin hardly ever does favours, even for old friends, and you're a horrible negotiator. What did you do?" She asked. Jay's eyes narrowed. "Kai, what did you give him?" He asked.

Kai seemed to shrink slightly. "A-Ah... can't that wait until after Onyx?" He asked nervously. Onyx scoffed, though it turned into a gasp as Kai cleaned the cut, the iodine staining the red brown. "No! You brought it up; you get to go first," she said, stalling. Kai groaned. "Well, I sort of gave shares of the tea farm...along with all of yours," he mumbled quickly. "Kai! That's how we were going to make money!" Onyx exclaimed. "You what!?" Jay shouted. "Wu's gonna flip!" Cole gasped, running a hand through his face. ".swen elbirroh s'tahT" Zane groaned, pressing his hands to his eyes.

Kai wrinkled his nose at them. If he hadn't been putting gauze on Onyx's hand, he would've crossed his arms. "I did what I had to, and for Lloyd, I'd do it again," he said defensively. Onyx sighed deeply. He was right. In his position, she probably would've done the same thing. "You're right. But I have to ask, if Morro has the only Scroll, just how are we gonna learn Airjitzu?" Cole asked. "Let's just say, it's not gonna be easy. We have a ghost of a chance," Kai said, glancing out over the water as he put a bandage over the gauze.

Onyx took her hand back and wriggled her fingers with a wince. The cut was deep and would almost definitely scar, but at least the tendons and nerves were all intact. "Speaking of ghosts... that's a good lead into what I have to say," she said. Everyone's attention immediately switched back to her. Kai's eyes were boring into hers, and she could feel Zane's on her.

"I...had a brother," she started, voice somewhat shaky. Cole frowned. "You've told us this already," he said, somewhat confused. Onyx shook her head. "No-I... well, yes, but..." she took a breath, collecting herself. "I never told you his name. He's-" Onyx closed her eyes and spat it out. "Morro is-was my brother."

There was ringing silence for a moment, the air so still Onyx could hear her heart beating. She peeked through her eyelashes at the others. All of them, even Kai, were staring at her. "Woah woah woah, so Morro, the guy who's possessing Lloyd, the guy who tried to kill all of us, is your brother!?" Jay exclaimed finally. Onyx rested her head on her hand with a nod. "Yeah," she said quietly. Cole rubbed his eyes. "I'm... pretty sure there's a story here," he said.

Onyx exhaled slowly through her nose. "I... suppose I should start at the beginning. My papi's name was Antonio Valsecchi, and my mamma... I don't know her full name, but my father called her Aika. She wasn't from Stiix originally, but she married Papi, and that resulted in Morro being born. A few years later, I was born sometime in the third month," she said.

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