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𝐀𝐃𝐀𝐌𝐎 (v.)

to fall in love again



"YOU look like hell," Nicolai blinked as he watched (Y/N) trudge into the Charms classroom, staring at her as she collapsed into her seat. "What happened? You weren't at lunch, so... were you dragged off somewhere? Looks like you faced off against a tornado or something."

    "Thank you, for your riveting opinion as always, Nikki," (Y/N) flashed him a tight smile.


    "I hate you."

    "Love you, too," he shot finger guns her way.

    "Tell that to Èlisabeth, you bugger," she groaned as she ran a hand down her face whilst leaning back lazily in her chair, her (H/C) hair dangling somewhat over the top of said chair. "And yes, it felt like I had to fight off a tornado since I had to spend lunch in detention making up work I didn't finish in last night's detention—basically, Professor Snape worked me half to death. Then again, I sort of asked for it, but I can still be salty about it."

    "Sure you can," Nikolai smirked with a raised brow, propping his head up, amusement shimmering in those silvery eyes of his.

    "You're supposed to be on my side."

    "What do you mean?" He chuckled with a roll of his eyes. "I always am."

    "Yeah, right," she scowled, though it didn't even look like a real scowl from the small curves at the corners of her lips. "There was so much sarcasm in that sentence that I literally could see it. Maybe try harder next time? If you can? Would really appreciate it so much."

    Nikolai merely rolled his eyes again.

The two then turned to attention when Professor Flitwick started the lesson on the Anti-Alohomora charm, demonstrating how said charm rendered unlocking spells useless. In (Y/N)'s opinion, it was quite a useful trick that could help steer away unwanted company from valuables or secrets one wouldn't wish to be uncovered. However, her mind couldn't entirely focus on the lesson, instead her thoughts tugging her back to the Forbidden Forest and how Severus had basically saved her life.

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