Part Five - The Destroyer

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        An explosion near the windows knocked back Ji and Hyuk. Shattered glass and singed fabric pieces of curtain drapes hit the floor as the bedroom quickly becomes enveloped in smoke. Both rub their ears due to the high-pitched, deafening ringing that doesn't seem to let up. Squirming on the ground in pain, Ji reaches for Hyuk's hand, hoping to bring her in and soothe her. Instead, she is whisked away, clawing the floor, and screaming her heart out while being dragged by her feet.



        Ji-Ho screamed after her but was unable to shake off the effects of the blast grenade in enough time to save her. Nor could he see who took her thanks to the smoke in the room. But he could hear footsteps drawing near, coupled with the sound of swords being unsheathed from their scabbards. Deep within, Ji found his strength to no longer be stunned and began going on the offensive. In other words, it was time to whoop some ***!

        Ji started off with a sweep kick on the nearest opponent, rolling over to dodge a sword-slash that was coming for him. He then pushed up from the ground and dodged another slash, performing another sweep kick on the next opponent once he got back to the ground. Speedily, he got on his feet and caught the hand of the third opponent swinging their sword at his face. With strength and ferocity, Ji twisted the bad guy's wrist, forcing him to drop his sword. He then gripped his neck and then quickly scanned the bad guy, taking notice of the blue stitching and accents on his otherwise black ninja gear.

        "The Unbound."

        Ji's discovery is associated with a guttural growl once he kicks his foe in the chest, causing the Unbound ninja to fall on the other two that were still on the floor. The ninjas barely blinked twice when they saw Ji dart to the other side of the bed and reached underneath to pull out his scabbard that housed his katana sword.

       This katana sword that Ji-Ho has unsheathed, however—one with which he has taken a high stance—was no ordinary sword.

       This sword was eighteen inches tempered in 5160 high carbon tungsten & titanium steel alloy. This sword was fashioned with a dark-red guard, a black grip, and a black dragon pommel. This sword is a weapon that has existed since the early reign of the Zhou Dynasty. Hence its name: The Dynasty Sword. One of Ji-Ho's very first missions was to watch over a descendant of said dynasty. To say it was a challenge is putting it lightly. In fact, Ji almost died, defending the Zhou descendant and their child against 100-armed ninjas. Once the mission was over, the descendant was eternally grateful for Ji saving their lives. For his reward, the descendant gifted him the katana sword of his heritage.

       The Dynasty Sword has felled many men. It can cut through anything man-made. In some ways, the sword is just as revered as the man holding it. Wielding such a weapon has earned Ji a nickname in the assassin world.


        The Unbound ninjas whispered it with extreme dread. It's Korean...for destroyer. And right now, Ji-Ho is in the mood for some destruction.

        The first Unbound ninja leaps in the air with his sword the same time the second one comes straight for Ji. Effortlessly, Ji slides on his knees, slicing the second Unbound at the shins. The mutilated ninja bellows an excruciating howl, continuing to scream as he lands on his stubs first before falling over. With his sword slick with blood, Ji raises it to block the oncoming vertical slash from the third Unbound. Meanwhile, the ninja who was formerly in mid-air finally lands behind Ji, quickly doing a 180 degree turn shortly after, already in mid-lunge towards Ji's back. Would you believe this Unbound ninja is smiling underneath his mask? It's because he thinks he's going to be the one to take down the destroyer. That right there...would end up being his last independent thought.

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