Part Three - Truth Or Dare

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Regime Safe House (Living Room)
Saturday, November 12th 2023
Dressed in a white tank top with black athleisure shorts, Hyuk begins walking down the hallway while fixing her hair up with her hands. No sooner does she reach the end that her nose is delighted in the fragranced atmosphere that is roaming about. It's an enjoyable pleasure, walking in on the scent of berry velvet, thanks to the automatic air fresheners. What's equally pleasing, is the sweet smell of homemade waffles and peaches covered in whipped cream. It gently reminds her of the days her mother Tasha used to cook this for her when she was younger. Unhurriedly, Hyuk proceeds through the fully furnished living room—treading on the white mink rug while walking past the all-white couch—and looks straight ahead to the kitchen to find something else pleasing to her.

Ji-Ho. Cooking breakfast with the morning sun rays beaming on him through the kitchen bay windows. Shirtless once again. Wearing his signature black sweatpants. Only this time, his sweatpants are riding low on his waist, providing a nice glimpse of his hip line. 'He's not wearing any underwear, is he,' is a thought of Hyuk's that instantly made her eyes peek at his crouch area. She looks away fast, hoping Ji didn't catch her staring. Thankfully, he was too busy prepping their plates.

With so much pleasurable things happening to her, visually and aromatically, she didn't catch it at first, the music that's playing throughout the house. 'OMG, I love this song' thought Hyuk, referring to Chris Brown's 'Under the Influence.' The word 'fan' is not strong enough to describe how much she enjoys the melodies of Chris Breezy. A loyal enthusiast is more like it. It was at this moment that Hyuk started to become slightly suspicious about all that's going on. Not to say that she wasn't grateful of the ambience Ji has produced. It's just that her instincts are telling her that there's more to it.

       After reaching the white-clothed kitchen table, Ji quickly sat his plate down on the marble island to come and pull out a chair at the head of the table for Hyuk, sitting her plate down in front of her afterwards. This act of chivalry—that Hyuk was impressed with—is what elicited her to open a dialogue after Ji went back for his plate and then sat down at the other end.

      "Hmm. Looks delicious Ji."

      "What does?"

       Ji's question took Hyuk's eyes off her plate and made her look right at her best friend whose hands were closed together. It's fair to say that she was caught off guard, wondering what Ji was implying. But what really astounded Hyuk was the first thing that came to mind.


       Her heart fluttered a bit at the possibility of what could've happened if she had blurted that out. And that's when it hit her; is that what Ji was expecting? Is that why he asked that question? It's possible if the mischievous smile that Ji has on display is of any confirmation. Recovering her focus, Hyuk returns Ji's smile in kind before pointing to her plate to answer him.

       "The food. Of course."

       "Heh. Of course."

       "So...those sweatpants..."


       "I didn't catch it before but...Měilì de (Beautiful)."

       "Yes, you are."

       'Was that—did he just flirt with me,' a question Hyuk conjured up nervously in her membrane. Tried as she might, she couldn't keep from blushing at the way Ji used a bit of flattery on her just now. Clearing her throat lightly, she once again recouped her focus so she could make plain what she was actually referring to.

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